
时间:2022-11-02 16:52:51

I'm looking for a way to disable sleep mode and screensaver through my application using Swift. I know this question has been asked before, but none of the answers are current (at least for Swift; I don't know about Objective-C).


I originally thought to use NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().extendPowerOffBy(requested: Int), but according to Apple's documentation, it is currently unimplemented.


Any suggestions?

1 个解决方案



I recently came across this answer. It links to Q&A1340 at Apple, and translates listing 2 into Swift.


I refactored it into some different code, that shows how you can use them throughout the runloop, for instance. I did check the code, and it works.


var assertionID: IOPMAssertionID = 0
var success: IOReturn?

func disableScreenSleep(reason: String = "Unknown reason") -> Bool? {
    guard success != nil else { return nil }
    success = IOPMAssertionCreateWithName( kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep as CFString,
                                           reason as CFString,
                                           &assertionID )
    return success == kIOReturnSuccess

func  enableScreenSleep() -> Bool {
    if success != nil {
        success = IOPMAssertionRelease(noSleepAssertionID)
        success = nil
        return true
    return false

The Q&A1340 answer also points out that using NSWorkspace.shared should only be used to support OS X < 10.6.

Q&A1340答案还指出,使用NSWorkspace.shared只应用于支持OS X <10.6。



I recently came across this answer. It links to Q&A1340 at Apple, and translates listing 2 into Swift.


I refactored it into some different code, that shows how you can use them throughout the runloop, for instance. I did check the code, and it works.


var assertionID: IOPMAssertionID = 0
var success: IOReturn?

func disableScreenSleep(reason: String = "Unknown reason") -> Bool? {
    guard success != nil else { return nil }
    success = IOPMAssertionCreateWithName( kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep as CFString,
                                           reason as CFString,
                                           &assertionID )
    return success == kIOReturnSuccess

func  enableScreenSleep() -> Bool {
    if success != nil {
        success = IOPMAssertionRelease(noSleepAssertionID)
        success = nil
        return true
    return false

The Q&A1340 answer also points out that using NSWorkspace.shared should only be used to support OS X < 10.6.

Q&A1340答案还指出,使用NSWorkspace.shared只应用于支持OS X <10.6。