
时间:2022-11-25 16:53:14

Using Swift, I want to write a protocol that specifies that implementing classes must have a function that takes an enum (which adheres to a given protocol), where that enum type is specified generically. I've tried this:


protocol Message {}

protocol Subscriber {
  func receive<T where T:Message>(message:T)

enum Greeting : Message {
  case Hello, Goodbye

class SomeObject : Subscriber {
  func receive<Greeting>(message: Greeting) {
    switch message {
    case .Hello:
    case .Goodbye:

This fails to compile with the message "Enum case pattern cannot match values of the non-enum type 'Greeting'" at each of the case lines. This would appear to be because the Subscriber protocol expects something that is no more specialized than Message, but I set things up in terms of Greeting, which though it implements Message, is more specialized. (Am I right?)

这不能用“Enum case模式不能匹配非枚举类型的‘问候’的值”来进行编译。这似乎是因为订阅方协议期望的是不比消息更专门化的东西,但是我将事情设置为问候语,尽管它实现了消息,但它更专门化。(对吗?)

So, how do I do what I'm attempting to do, please?


1 个解决方案



The generic type parameter T should still be generic in the implementation of Subscriber. You can do what you ask using a typealias in protocol Subscriber and enforce the Message superclass constraint on it:


protocol Message {}

protocol Subscriber {
    typealias MessageType: Message
    func receive (message: MessageType)

enum Greeting : Message {
    case Hello, Goodbye

class SomeObject : Subscriber {
    typealias MessageType = Greeting

    func receive (message: MessageType) {
        switch message {
        case .Hello:
        case .Goodbye:

Having a generic receive prevents you from switching on the enum fields:


protocol Message {}

protocol Subscriber {
    func receive <T: Message> (message: T)

enum Greeting : Message {
    case Hello, Goodbye

class SomeObject : Subscriber {
    func receive <T: Message> (message: T) {


let obj = SomeObject()



The generic type parameter T should still be generic in the implementation of Subscriber. You can do what you ask using a typealias in protocol Subscriber and enforce the Message superclass constraint on it:


protocol Message {}

protocol Subscriber {
    typealias MessageType: Message
    func receive (message: MessageType)

enum Greeting : Message {
    case Hello, Goodbye

class SomeObject : Subscriber {
    typealias MessageType = Greeting

    func receive (message: MessageType) {
        switch message {
        case .Hello:
        case .Goodbye:

Having a generic receive prevents you from switching on the enum fields:


protocol Message {}

protocol Subscriber {
    func receive <T: Message> (message: T)

enum Greeting : Message {
    case Hello, Goodbye

class SomeObject : Subscriber {
    func receive <T: Message> (message: T) {


let obj = SomeObject()