
时间:2022-11-25 16:53:42

I'm trying to improve Voice Over support in an app. I have a UISearchBar. I've set the showBookMarks property to YES. And I've set a custom image with:

我正在尝试在应用中改进Voice Over支持。我有一个UISearchBar。我已将showBookMarks属性设置为YES。我已经设置了一个自定义图像:

[searchbar setImage:icon forSearchBarIcon:UISearchBarIconBookmark state:UIControlStateNormal];

The problem I have is that with Voice Over turned on, there is no way to activate the bookmarks icon. If I enter text, the "clear" icon appears and it can be selected and activated as expected. But once the text is cleared and my bookmarks icon appears, it can't be selected. No matter where I tap, the Voice Over rectangle always surrounds the entire search bar, including the icons.

我遇到的问题是,启用Voice Over后,无法激活书签图标。如果我输入文本,则会出现“清除”图标,可以按预期选择并激活它。但是一旦文本被清除并且我的书签图标出现,就无法选择它。无论我在哪里点击,Voice Over矩形始终围绕整个搜索栏,包括图标。

I've tried setting the accessibilityLabel and the accessibilityTraits properties on the UIImage for the icon. I've set the UIImage's isAccessibilityElement property to YES. Nothing seems to work.


Does anyone know what steps are required to make the bookmarks icon in a UISearchBar accessible?


Here's the complete code for the search bar:


UISearchBar *bar = [[UISearchBar alloc] init];
[bar sizeToFit];
bar.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
bar.placeholder = @"Search listed items";
bar.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
bar.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
bar.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
bar.showsBookmarkButton = YES;
bar.text = @"";

UIImage *icon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bookmarks.png"];
icon.accessibilityLabel = @"Bookmarks";
icon.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraitButton;
icon.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
[bar setImage:icon forSearchBarIcon:UISearchBarIconBookmark state:UIControlStateNormal];
[bar setPositionAdjustment:UIOffsetMake(-1, -1) forSearchBarIcon:UISearchBarIconBookmark];

Additional Info:

I should mention that the search bar is used with a UITableViewController which is connected with a UISearchDisplayController. The search bar is being set as the table view's headerView.


And all of this is done in code. No storyboards or xibs are involved.


2 个解决方案



After a bunch of debugging, I have found the answer. In order for Voice Over to recognize a custom icon for the bookmarks icon of a UISearchBar, the icon must be exactly the correct size.

经过一堆调试后,我找到了答案。为了使Voice Over能够识别UISearchBar的书签图标的自定义图标,该图标必须具有正确的大小。

The images used must be 40x29px (80x58px for the retina version). Any other size and the icons don't get recognized by Voice Over.

使用的图像必须是40x29px(视网膜版本为80x58px)。 Voice Over无法识别任何其他尺寸和图标。

My images were 38x31px (and 68x62px).


The code I posted in my original question is all correct. Once the images were updated in size, everything started to work as expected. The only change in code was the removal of the call to setPositionAdjustment:forSearchBarIcon: which wasn't needed anymore.


I can't imaging why such a tiny difference in icon size would be the difference between Voice Over working with custom icons and not working. But there it is. I hope this helps someone in the future.

我无法想象为什么图标大小的这么小的差异将是Voice Over使用自定义图标和不工作之间的区别。但就是这样。我希望这能帮助将来的某个人。



I've run the code in your question, and the bookmarks button appears to be accessible via VoiceOver.



Could there be something else that's interfering with your interface? Any invisible views that might find their way on top of the bookmarks button? Are you setting a custom clear button? Any other details you can provide?


However, it's true that it's not using the accessibilityLabel that you're passing it; it just uses "Button", which sucks. I'd say it's probably a bug in UIKit – you should file a bug.

但是,它确实没有使用你传递它的accessibilityLabel;它只是使用“按钮”,这很糟糕。我说它可能是UIKit中的一个错误 - 你应该提交一个bug。



After a bunch of debugging, I have found the answer. In order for Voice Over to recognize a custom icon for the bookmarks icon of a UISearchBar, the icon must be exactly the correct size.

经过一堆调试后,我找到了答案。为了使Voice Over能够识别UISearchBar的书签图标的自定义图标,该图标必须具有正确的大小。

The images used must be 40x29px (80x58px for the retina version). Any other size and the icons don't get recognized by Voice Over.

使用的图像必须是40x29px(视网膜版本为80x58px)。 Voice Over无法识别任何其他尺寸和图标。

My images were 38x31px (and 68x62px).


The code I posted in my original question is all correct. Once the images were updated in size, everything started to work as expected. The only change in code was the removal of the call to setPositionAdjustment:forSearchBarIcon: which wasn't needed anymore.


I can't imaging why such a tiny difference in icon size would be the difference between Voice Over working with custom icons and not working. But there it is. I hope this helps someone in the future.

我无法想象为什么图标大小的这么小的差异将是Voice Over使用自定义图标和不工作之间的区别。但就是这样。我希望这能帮助将来的某个人。



I've run the code in your question, and the bookmarks button appears to be accessible via VoiceOver.



Could there be something else that's interfering with your interface? Any invisible views that might find their way on top of the bookmarks button? Are you setting a custom clear button? Any other details you can provide?


However, it's true that it's not using the accessibilityLabel that you're passing it; it just uses "Button", which sucks. I'd say it's probably a bug in UIKit – you should file a bug.

但是,它确实没有使用你传递它的accessibilityLabel;它只是使用“按钮”,这很糟糕。我说它可能是UIKit中的一个错误 - 你应该提交一个bug。