在Modular Codeigniter中,一个模块的控制器如何/应该调用另一个模块的功能?

时间:2021-04-23 16:54:32

I am using CodeIgniter with the HMVC extension by wiredesignz.


My web app deals primarily with text articles. I have a module called articles. The model of the articles module, articles_model, contain functions that make database changes to the articles. For instance, the following will update the article:

我的网络应用主要处理文字文章。我有一个名为文章的模块。 articles模块的模型articles_model包含对文章进行数据库更改的函数。例如,以下内容将更新文章:


There is another module for the user dashboard. Users will sometimes make updates to the articles from within their dashboard. The request is made from the dashboard controller, as this action is executed from views within the dashboard module.


In this situation, how should I let the dashboard controller communicate with the articles model? The couple of options I've come across so far is:


  1. Make an update_article() function in the articles controller. All it does is call the articles_model function of the same name. Have the dashboard controller call the articles controller function update_article(). This would be done because I have read that in modular design, the controllers should be the point of communication between different modules (source). I've also come across other opinions that say controllers should never talk to each other. Hence my confusion.


  2. I could also duplicate the update_article() function in the dashboard_model. This way the dashboard controller will only have to call its own model, within its own module. My gut tells me this is not the way to go, as the update_article() function is called not only by the dashboard controller, but also quite a few others. This would result in a lot of duplicate code.


Any advice is appreciated.


1 个解决方案



You can load the model articles from module articles from another module Dashboard.


Just load the model in the constructor function of the module (ex. Dashboard) you want the model to be available which should look like this.


function __construct() {


  // this is case sensitive, 1st part is the module, 2nd part is the class name

Then anywhere in your controller (ex. Dashboard), you can call $this->articles_model->update_article();.

然后在控制器的任何地方(例如仪表板),您可以调用$ this-> articles_model-> update_article();.



You can load the model articles from module articles from another module Dashboard.


Just load the model in the constructor function of the module (ex. Dashboard) you want the model to be available which should look like this.


function __construct() {


  // this is case sensitive, 1st part is the module, 2nd part is the class name

Then anywhere in your controller (ex. Dashboard), you can call $this->articles_model->update_article();.

然后在控制器的任何地方(例如仪表板),您可以调用$ this-> articles_model-> update_article();.