
时间:2022-01-21 16:51:27

I have an array with words like


$arr = array("go", "walk", ...)

I would like to replace these words with links f they are matched in sentences. But it should be only if they match exactly (for example "walk" should match "Walk" or "walk!" but not also "walking")


And the replacement should be a simple link like: < a href='#walk' >walk< /a >

替换应该是一个简单的链接,如: walk

Anybody Any idea?


5 个解决方案



To Match each words like "walk" but not "walking" Use \b for word bounday.

匹配每个单词,如“walk”但不是“walk”使用\ b进行单词bounday。

For Example, "\bwalk\b"

例如,“\ bwalk \ b”



function magicWords($words, $string) {
  $from = $to = array();
  foreach($words as $word) {
    $from[] = "/\b$word\b/i"; // \b represents a word boundary
    $to[] = '<a href="#' . strtolower($word) . '">${0}</a>';

  return preg_replace($from, $to, $string);


$words = array('go', 'walk');

echo magicWords($words, "Lets go walking on a Walk");

This outputs:


'Lets <a href="#go">go</a> walking on a <a href="#walk">Walk</a>.'

Note that it matches "go", and "walk", but not "walking", and maintains the capital W on Walk while the link becomes lower case "#walk".


This way, "Walk walk WALK wALk" will all link to #walk without affecting the original formatting.

这样,“Walk walk WALK wALk”将全部链接到#walk,而不会影响原始格式。



Try something like this:


$words = array('walk','talk');

foreach($words as $word)
    $word = preg_replace("/\b$word\b/","< a href='#$word' >$word< /a >",$word);



I think the following might be what you want.


$someText = 'I don\'t like walking, I go';
$words = array('walk', 'go');
$regex = '/\\b((' . implode('|',$words) . ')\\b(!|,|\\.|\\?)?)/i';
echo preg_replace_callback(
    function($matches) {
        return '<a href=\'' . strtolower($matches[2]) . '\'>' . $matches[1] . '</a>';

A few of points though:


  • This solution and all the others will match any occurrences of the word be they in element attributes or whatever
  • 此解决方案和所有其他解决方案将匹配元素属性或其他任何单词的出现
  • I've added a bit on the end for punctuation matching should you want to include it within the link/anchor tags.
  • 如果你想在链接/锚标签中包含它,我在标点符号匹配的末尾加了一点。
  • This requires php 5.3 anonymous functions. I tought this was an interesting alternative to the foreach methods mentioned
  • 这需要php 5.3匿名功能。我认为这是所提到的foreach方法的一个有趣的替代方案



Your examples are quite specific, so it's hard to know exactly what you need to match in practice (e.g. do you want to include the '!' in the link?), but try this:



$text = "Walk! I went for a walk today. I like going walking. Let's go walk!";
$needles = array('go', 'walk');

foreach ($needles as $needle)
  $text = preg_replace('/\b(' . $needle . ')\b/i', '<a href="#' . $needle . '">$1</a>', $text);

print $text;



To Match each words like "walk" but not "walking" Use \b for word bounday.

匹配每个单词,如“walk”但不是“walk”使用\ b进行单词bounday。

For Example, "\bwalk\b"

例如,“\ bwalk \ b”



function magicWords($words, $string) {
  $from = $to = array();
  foreach($words as $word) {
    $from[] = "/\b$word\b/i"; // \b represents a word boundary
    $to[] = '<a href="#' . strtolower($word) . '">${0}</a>';

  return preg_replace($from, $to, $string);


$words = array('go', 'walk');

echo magicWords($words, "Lets go walking on a Walk");

This outputs:


'Lets <a href="#go">go</a> walking on a <a href="#walk">Walk</a>.'

Note that it matches "go", and "walk", but not "walking", and maintains the capital W on Walk while the link becomes lower case "#walk".


This way, "Walk walk WALK wALk" will all link to #walk without affecting the original formatting.

这样,“Walk walk WALK wALk”将全部链接到#walk,而不会影响原始格式。



Try something like this:


$words = array('walk','talk');

foreach($words as $word)
    $word = preg_replace("/\b$word\b/","< a href='#$word' >$word< /a >",$word);



I think the following might be what you want.


$someText = 'I don\'t like walking, I go';
$words = array('walk', 'go');
$regex = '/\\b((' . implode('|',$words) . ')\\b(!|,|\\.|\\?)?)/i';
echo preg_replace_callback(
    function($matches) {
        return '<a href=\'' . strtolower($matches[2]) . '\'>' . $matches[1] . '</a>';

A few of points though:


  • This solution and all the others will match any occurrences of the word be they in element attributes or whatever
  • 此解决方案和所有其他解决方案将匹配元素属性或其他任何单词的出现
  • I've added a bit on the end for punctuation matching should you want to include it within the link/anchor tags.
  • 如果你想在链接/锚标签中包含它,我在标点符号匹配的末尾加了一点。
  • This requires php 5.3 anonymous functions. I tought this was an interesting alternative to the foreach methods mentioned
  • 这需要php 5.3匿名功能。我认为这是所提到的foreach方法的一个有趣的替代方案



Your examples are quite specific, so it's hard to know exactly what you need to match in practice (e.g. do you want to include the '!' in the link?), but try this:



$text = "Walk! I went for a walk today. I like going walking. Let's go walk!";
$needles = array('go', 'walk');

foreach ($needles as $needle)
  $text = preg_replace('/\b(' . $needle . ')\b/i', '<a href="#' . $needle . '">$1</a>', $text);

print $text;