
时间:2021-04-03 16:50:19

I have seen f = sympy.symbols('f', cls=Function) but not any documentation. Python does not like x = sympy.symbols('x', cls=FF(8)), it complains about

我见过f = sympy.symbols('f',cls = Function)但没有任何文档。 Python不喜欢x = sympy.symbols('x',cls = FF(8)),它抱怨

raise CoercionFailed("expected an integer, got %s" % a) CoercionFailed: expected an integer, got x


Whan is the purpose of the cls parameters and what must I do so that cls=FF(8) is meaning full?

Whan是cls参数的目的,我必须做什么才能使cls = FF(8)意味着完整?

With x = sympy.symbols('x', cls=FF(8)) I want x to be a symbol in the field FF(8), i.e x^(2^8-1) must give me 1.

使用x = sympy.symbols('x',cls = FF(8))我希望x成为FF(8)字段中的符号,即x ^(2 ^ 8-1)必须给我1。

1 个解决方案



There are a few issues here:


  • The FF object does not allow Symbols. It only works for exact numerical entries, like FF(3)(2).


  • Therefore, the cls parameter of symbols will not work. That just changes what object is used to create the symbol, so it must take a string as an input (the default is Symbol).


  • SymPy does not currently support Symbols over finite fields. The best bet you can get is to use the Poly object with the modulus flag.


  • FF currently only supports finite fields of prime cardinality. FF(8) has actually created the ring Z_8, not the finite field with 8 elements.

    FF目前仅支持主要基数的有限字段。 FF(8)实际上创建了环Z_8,而不是具有8个元素的有限域。

  • You probably know this, but ^ does not do exponentiation in SymPy/Python. Use **.

    您可能知道这一点,但^不会在SymPy / Python中进行取幂。使用 **。



There are a few issues here:


  • The FF object does not allow Symbols. It only works for exact numerical entries, like FF(3)(2).


  • Therefore, the cls parameter of symbols will not work. That just changes what object is used to create the symbol, so it must take a string as an input (the default is Symbol).


  • SymPy does not currently support Symbols over finite fields. The best bet you can get is to use the Poly object with the modulus flag.


  • FF currently only supports finite fields of prime cardinality. FF(8) has actually created the ring Z_8, not the finite field with 8 elements.

    FF目前仅支持主要基数的有限字段。 FF(8)实际上创建了环Z_8,而不是具有8个元素的有限域。

  • You probably know this, but ^ does not do exponentiation in SymPy/Python. Use **.

    您可能知道这一点,但^不会在SymPy / Python中进行取幂。使用 **。