
时间:2023-01-07 16:48:51

My company took some old php application over. Due to our preference to ASP.net and to the lack of any documentation from the previous developer, we do not want to spend much resources on developing in PHP. For implementing new features, we will create an Asp.net application that has the same look to the user. We want to develop a kind of 'coexisting' web application. Therefore we must share sessions between an PHP and an Asp.net webapplication project, because there is a usermanagement involved with an existing MySQL database.

我的公司采用了一些旧的php应用程序。由于我们喜欢使用ASP.net,并且没有来自前一个开发人员的任何文档,所以我们不希望在PHP开发上花费太多的资源。为了实现新的特性,我们将创建一个Asp.net应用程序,它的外观与用户相同。我们希望开发一种“共存”的web应用程序。因此,我们必须在PHP和Asp.net webapplication项目之间共享会话,因为有一个与现有MySQL数据库相关的用户管理。

(e.g. link 'A' directs to the PHP website, and link 'B' directs to the asp.net application)


How can we share the session between and PHP and an asp.net application?


And does anyone have a hint for this 'coexisting' thing, that might be useful in development?


Edit: IIS 6 would be our targeted server, altough IIS 7.5 would also be an option

编辑:iis6将是我们的目标服务器,altough iis7.5也是一个选项

7 个解决方案



I want to tell you, how I ended up doing it.


Both applications access a MySQL database and access a "session" table, which consists of a Guid, the ID of the user, and a confirmationString (I guess I encoded the IDUser in it, somehow) and a date.


Sessions are only started by the PHP application (due to the fact, that the PHP application is still the main application). A new session will result in a new entry in the log table. Every link in the PHP application, that links to the ASP.Net application contains GET-Parameters, containing the Guid etc.


The ASP.net application checks for the GET-Parameters and sets the IDUser in the ASP.Net Session, if the GET-Parameters point to an existing session.


The links pointing back to the PHP application use the same technique.


(There are also other things to consider, like timeouts or logouts, but that can be handled as well)


All in all, I'd say that my approach is useful and none of the customers complained since the deployment (over 1 year ago)




I don't think it's natively possible to share sessions between PHP and ASP.NET.


However, it might be possible by using a PHP page that reads the contents of the session, stores them in hidden fields and then call an ASP.NET page that would read these fields and load them into ASP.NET session.


Theoretically it's possible.




This is an old question, but I didn't think any of the current answers were complete.


First, I think it is a bad idea to store session data in a database server like mysql or SQL Server. The DB is a precious resource, and there's really no reason to thrash it just for session data.

首先,我认为在数据库服务器(如mysql或SQL server)中存储会话数据是个坏主意。DB是一种宝贵的资源,没有理由仅仅为了会话数据而对它进行研究。

If you are going to store session in a database like that, there are "better" ways of doing it, like making sure that the session data is on it's own independent disk, etc... but honestly, I still feel like it's a mistake and will limit your scalability.


For storing session, you want to go with a simple key/value store, and in my opinion you can't beat memcached (though I've also had good luck with redis + nodejs).

对于存储会话,您希望使用一个简单的键/值存储,在我看来,您无法击败memcached(尽管我也很幸运地使用了redis + nodejs)。

memcached has clients available for pretty much every language on earth: http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/Clients


So, basically all you need to do when using memcached is generate a pseudo-random token for the key, and do a memcached.set. Then store that key in a cookie called session-id or something.

基本上,使用memcached时需要做的就是为键生成一个伪随机令牌,然后执行memcache .set。然后将该键存储在一个名为session-id的cookie中。

The session-id cookie can be read from any server language, .net, php, python, whatever - and the session value retrieved with a simple memcached.get.

可以从任何服务器语言、.net、php、python等等读取会话id cookie,以及使用简单的memcache .get检索的会话值。

Check out the memcached docs: http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/NewStart


This is a very simple and scalable way to do sessions, and will work with almost any language/server.





http://cz.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317604

You can write PHP's sessions into MsSQL, and configure .NET to use MsSQL as backend for sessions.

您可以将PHP会话写入MsSQL,并配置. net以使用MsSQL作为会话的后端。



Not a big deal.
Your asp app should do a three simple things:


  • Recieve a sessionid cookie from the client
  • 从客户端接收一个essionid cookie
  • look for the sess_<id> file in the PHP session save path
  • 在PHP会话保存路径中查找sess_ 文件
  • implement a PHP serialize/unserialize functions to read/write session data.
  • 实现PHP序列化/反序列化函数来读取/写入会话数据。



A nicer way than just hacking into session storage mechanisms on both sides would be setting up OpenId provider and plugging OpenId consumers to both asp.net and php applications.


There's lot of existing code to do it. It would be both more elegant and error prone than the low level solutions. As a bonus you could use integrated OpenId login in the rest of your company applications and become a company hero.


See: Using OpenID for both .NET/Windows and PHP/Linux/Apache web sites

参见:对.NET/Windows和PHP/Linux/Apache web站点都使用OpenID



Oh dear, maybe one day you'll see the error of your ways, in the meantime.....


By default, PHP writes its session data as a serialized array into a file named according to the session. The session is identified usually by a cookie with name PHPSESSID.


So in PHP to manually read the session:


$imported_session=unserialize(file_get_contents(session_save_path() . '/' . $_COOKIE[session_name()]));

The format of the file is very straightforward and simple to parse.


However its quite easy to implement your own PHP session handler to write the files in any format/to any storage you like (have a look at auto-prepend for how to associate the revosed code with every page without having to rewrite each one). Or change the name the cookie used to store the session.






I want to tell you, how I ended up doing it.


Both applications access a MySQL database and access a "session" table, which consists of a Guid, the ID of the user, and a confirmationString (I guess I encoded the IDUser in it, somehow) and a date.


Sessions are only started by the PHP application (due to the fact, that the PHP application is still the main application). A new session will result in a new entry in the log table. Every link in the PHP application, that links to the ASP.Net application contains GET-Parameters, containing the Guid etc.


The ASP.net application checks for the GET-Parameters and sets the IDUser in the ASP.Net Session, if the GET-Parameters point to an existing session.


The links pointing back to the PHP application use the same technique.


(There are also other things to consider, like timeouts or logouts, but that can be handled as well)


All in all, I'd say that my approach is useful and none of the customers complained since the deployment (over 1 year ago)




I don't think it's natively possible to share sessions between PHP and ASP.NET.


However, it might be possible by using a PHP page that reads the contents of the session, stores them in hidden fields and then call an ASP.NET page that would read these fields and load them into ASP.NET session.


Theoretically it's possible.




This is an old question, but I didn't think any of the current answers were complete.


First, I think it is a bad idea to store session data in a database server like mysql or SQL Server. The DB is a precious resource, and there's really no reason to thrash it just for session data.

首先,我认为在数据库服务器(如mysql或SQL server)中存储会话数据是个坏主意。DB是一种宝贵的资源,没有理由仅仅为了会话数据而对它进行研究。

If you are going to store session in a database like that, there are "better" ways of doing it, like making sure that the session data is on it's own independent disk, etc... but honestly, I still feel like it's a mistake and will limit your scalability.


For storing session, you want to go with a simple key/value store, and in my opinion you can't beat memcached (though I've also had good luck with redis + nodejs).

对于存储会话,您希望使用一个简单的键/值存储,在我看来,您无法击败memcached(尽管我也很幸运地使用了redis + nodejs)。

memcached has clients available for pretty much every language on earth: http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/Clients


So, basically all you need to do when using memcached is generate a pseudo-random token for the key, and do a memcached.set. Then store that key in a cookie called session-id or something.

基本上,使用memcached时需要做的就是为键生成一个伪随机令牌,然后执行memcache .set。然后将该键存储在一个名为session-id的cookie中。

The session-id cookie can be read from any server language, .net, php, python, whatever - and the session value retrieved with a simple memcached.get.

可以从任何服务器语言、.net、php、python等等读取会话id cookie,以及使用简单的memcache .get检索的会话值。

Check out the memcached docs: http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/NewStart


This is a very simple and scalable way to do sessions, and will work with almost any language/server.





http://cz.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317604

You can write PHP's sessions into MsSQL, and configure .NET to use MsSQL as backend for sessions.

您可以将PHP会话写入MsSQL,并配置. net以使用MsSQL作为会话的后端。



Not a big deal.
Your asp app should do a three simple things:


  • Recieve a sessionid cookie from the client
  • 从客户端接收一个essionid cookie
  • look for the sess_<id> file in the PHP session save path
  • 在PHP会话保存路径中查找sess_ 文件
  • implement a PHP serialize/unserialize functions to read/write session data.
  • 实现PHP序列化/反序列化函数来读取/写入会话数据。



A nicer way than just hacking into session storage mechanisms on both sides would be setting up OpenId provider and plugging OpenId consumers to both asp.net and php applications.


There's lot of existing code to do it. It would be both more elegant and error prone than the low level solutions. As a bonus you could use integrated OpenId login in the rest of your company applications and become a company hero.


See: Using OpenID for both .NET/Windows and PHP/Linux/Apache web sites

参见:对.NET/Windows和PHP/Linux/Apache web站点都使用OpenID



Oh dear, maybe one day you'll see the error of your ways, in the meantime.....


By default, PHP writes its session data as a serialized array into a file named according to the session. The session is identified usually by a cookie with name PHPSESSID.


So in PHP to manually read the session:


$imported_session=unserialize(file_get_contents(session_save_path() . '/' . $_COOKIE[session_name()]));

The format of the file is very straightforward and simple to parse.


However its quite easy to implement your own PHP session handler to write the files in any format/to any storage you like (have a look at auto-prepend for how to associate the revosed code with every page without having to rewrite each one). Or change the name the cookie used to store the session.


