
时间:2020-12-14 16:50:00

I noticed that when I attempt to use the same variable name in different view controllers then the compiler will complain and won't build. Why does the compiler care about variables with the same name in two totally different view controllers? What brought me to this question is that I want to pass data from View Controller A to View Controller B in order to avoid making a 2nd network call in my app.

我注意到当我尝试在不同的视图控制器中使用相同的变量名时,编译器会抱怨并且不会构建。为什么编译器在两个完全不同的视图控制器中关注具有相同名称的变量?让我想到这个问题的原因是我想将视图控制器A中的数据传递给View Controller B,以避免在我的应用程序中进行第二次网络调用。

View Controller A:


#import "UIKit.h"

@interface MenuController ()<UITableViewDataSource ,UITableViewDelegate>


@implementation MenuController

NSString *userFirstNameString;
NSString *userLastNameString;


View Controller B:


#import "UIKit.h"

@interface MenuControllerB ()<UITableViewDataSource ,UITableViewDelegate>


@implementation MenuControllerB

NSString *userFirstNameString;
NSString *userLastNameString;


Screenshot of error: 在Objective-C中,为什么编译器在两个完全不同的视图控制器类中关注具有相同名称的变量?


1 个解决方案



It's just a matter of knowing C. Objective-C is C.

这只是了解C. Objective-C是C的问题。

Think about the status (scope) of those NSString declarations. They are not instance properties. They are not locals. What do you suppose they are...?


That's right. They are globals. So there is only one namespace, and now you have conflicting global declarations.


To prevent that, declare the strings static. That is exactly what static is for, at file level: it prevents the declaration from leaking out into the global namespace.




It's just a matter of knowing C. Objective-C is C.

这只是了解C. Objective-C是C的问题。

Think about the status (scope) of those NSString declarations. They are not instance properties. They are not locals. What do you suppose they are...?


That's right. They are globals. So there is only one namespace, and now you have conflicting global declarations.


To prevent that, declare the strings static. That is exactly what static is for, at file level: it prevents the declaration from leaking out into the global namespace.
