
时间:2021-12-21 16:51:35

I'm learning Swift and iOS app development and I was wondering in which cases (if there are some) I should use global variables and constants in an iOS app.


Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function, method, closure, or type context. Local variables are variables that are defined within a function, method, or closure context.


Using global variables usually seems inelegant and not advisable (it is in fact not recommended by most guides and tutorials) and to pass data between view controller I use the prepareForSegue(_: sender:) method.

使用全局变量通常看起来不优雅且不可取(实际上大多数指南和教程都不推荐)并且在视图控制器之间传递数据我使用prepareForSegue(_:sender :)方法。

There are some cases however where it seems to me that the use of globals would make the code simpler and faster.


For example Apple recommends to store a NSDateFormatter or a NSNumberFormatter for each format pattern and not to recreate or to change one every time it is needed. In an app I'm developing to learn the language, most of the view controllers use a NSDateFormatter and a NSNumberFormatter and creating a new one for each view controller might not be a good idea. I could pass it with prepareForSegue, but I thought that maybe in this case it would be better to use a global var holding an instance of the formatter that every view controller could use.


So are there any cases where I should use global variables?


1 个解决方案



Every time you find yourself using a global, you need to take a step back and think hard about what the data is and how it relates to the rest of your app. It is easy to say you need to avoid globals, the hard part is knowing the best alternative for the scenario, something even veteran Cocoa developers will disagree on.


In the singleton pattern, you create a class and stash your global inside it. This is often offered as a solution because it's the easiest to prescribe and follow, but many times I wonder if it is a solution at all. Wrapping a class around a global doesn't give you any additional protections. After all, the class itself is now a global entity. I like to think of the Singleton pattern as a way of organizing, categorizing and containing globals as opposed to avoiding globals.


Singletons should be reserved for the tentpoles of your application like database or remote backend connection handlers. Every Cocoa/CocoaTouch App comes with a built in Singleton, the AppDelegate, and in many cases, assorted things can go there.

应该为您的应用程序的帐篷保留单身人员,例如数据库或远程后端连接处理程序。每个Cocoa / CocoaTouch应用程序都带有一个内置的Singleton,AppDelegate,在很多情况下,各种各样的东西可以去那里。

In many cases, the "correct" solution is to pass the data along, such as passing data between view controllers in the prepareForSegue: class. This is well described in Andy Matuschak's brilliant WWDC 2014 session, Advanced iOS Application Architecture and Patterns. I agree with you though, that this doesn't apply in your example. In your example, you're not handing relevant data between two views, you're trying to share a common facility to conserver resources.

在许多情况下,“正确”的解决方案是传递数据,例如在prepareForSegue:类中的视图控制器之间传递数据。这在Andy Matuschak辉煌的WWDC 2014会议,高级iOS应用程序架构和模式中得到了很好的描述。我同意你的看法,这不适用于你的例子。在您的示例中,您没有在两个视图之间处理相关数据,而是尝试共享一个公共工具来保存资源。

For your specific example, I would use a Singleton or similar pattern. One way that makes sense to me is to stash them inside their corresponding classes using extensions. For example:


extension NSDateFormatter {
  static let newDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()

// use it in your app like this:

Like commenters said, this is a matter of opinion. Also keep in mind that Swift is still young and while it borrows heavily from Cocoa out of necessity, idioms are still evolving.




Every time you find yourself using a global, you need to take a step back and think hard about what the data is and how it relates to the rest of your app. It is easy to say you need to avoid globals, the hard part is knowing the best alternative for the scenario, something even veteran Cocoa developers will disagree on.


In the singleton pattern, you create a class and stash your global inside it. This is often offered as a solution because it's the easiest to prescribe and follow, but many times I wonder if it is a solution at all. Wrapping a class around a global doesn't give you any additional protections. After all, the class itself is now a global entity. I like to think of the Singleton pattern as a way of organizing, categorizing and containing globals as opposed to avoiding globals.


Singletons should be reserved for the tentpoles of your application like database or remote backend connection handlers. Every Cocoa/CocoaTouch App comes with a built in Singleton, the AppDelegate, and in many cases, assorted things can go there.

应该为您的应用程序的帐篷保留单身人员,例如数据库或远程后端连接处理程序。每个Cocoa / CocoaTouch应用程序都带有一个内置的Singleton,AppDelegate,在很多情况下,各种各样的东西可以去那里。

In many cases, the "correct" solution is to pass the data along, such as passing data between view controllers in the prepareForSegue: class. This is well described in Andy Matuschak's brilliant WWDC 2014 session, Advanced iOS Application Architecture and Patterns. I agree with you though, that this doesn't apply in your example. In your example, you're not handing relevant data between two views, you're trying to share a common facility to conserver resources.

在许多情况下,“正确”的解决方案是传递数据,例如在prepareForSegue:类中的视图控制器之间传递数据。这在Andy Matuschak辉煌的WWDC 2014会议,高级iOS应用程序架构和模式中得到了很好的描述。我同意你的看法,这不适用于你的例子。在您的示例中,您没有在两个视图之间处理相关数据,而是尝试共享一个公共工具来保存资源。

For your specific example, I would use a Singleton or similar pattern. One way that makes sense to me is to stash them inside their corresponding classes using extensions. For example:


extension NSDateFormatter {
  static let newDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()

// use it in your app like this:

Like commenters said, this is a matter of opinion. Also keep in mind that Swift is still young and while it borrows heavily from Cocoa out of necessity, idioms are still evolving.
