So I have this weird problem where PHP sessions are saving to the database (MongoDB) multiple times, all with the same ID. The first record has the correct session data, while the second has the wrong session data. This is causing my sessions to fail immediately on the next page (or next AJAX call) since it's grabbing the latest record.
Here is my session ini settings:
'session.auto_start' => '0',
'session.bug_compat_42' => '',
'session.bug_compat_warn' => '',
'session.cache_expire' => '180',
'session.cache_limiter' => 'must-revalidate',
'session.cookie_domain' => '',
'session.cookie_httponly' => '1',
'session.cookie_lifetime' => '0',
'session.cookie_path' => '/',
'session.cookie_secure' => '1',
'session.entropy_file' => '',
'session.entropy_length' => '0',
'session.gc_divisor' => '1000',
'session.gc_maxlifetime' => '14400',
'session.gc_probability' => '1',
'session.hash_bits_per_character' => '5',
'session.hash_function' => '0',
'' => 'Game',
'session.referer_check' => '',
'session.save_handler' => 'user',
'session.save_path' => '/var/lib/php/session',
'session.serialize_handler' => 'php',
'session.use_cookies' => '1',
'session.use_only_cookies' => '1',
'session.use_trans_sid' => '0'
And my CakePHP settings:
Configure::write('Session', array(
'cookie' => PROJECT,
'checkAgent' => false,
'autoRegenerate' => false, // We don't want it to regenerate
'defaults' => 'database',
'handler' => array(
'engine' => 'DatabaseSession',
'model' => 'Session'
'ini' => array(
'session.cookie_lifetime' => 0, // Until the browser is closed
'session.cookie_httponly' => true,
'session.referer_check' => '',
'session.cache_limiter' => 'nocache'
And heres an example of multiple record in the database (notice they have the same ID but different content):
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5011b8c9564d444d04000083"), "id" : "mnor9aspiacp3g41qq8g0fotk2", "data" : "Config|a:3:{s:9:\"userAgent\";s:0:\"\";s:4:\"time\";i:1343353096;s:9:\"countdown\";i:10;}fb_466806330012492_code|s:74:\"2.AQC3yKQXi2e-6_VjI.3600.1343343600.1-672639577|pkfXkSypomU_3RY2-xM3A93rGrVo\";fb_4668063X30012492_access_token|s:110:\"AAAGojtF6Xs0wBAIoUwOoMU3WIt4ZBAih0NUvwtGePBxYv6oOT1QvbEZAb77j2h8ZBXKnpHrXktxHmz1WXCyr5VR9RwdaiGzrxfNRgEPr06gAZDZD\";fb_466806330012492_user_id|s:9:\"xxxx\";Game|a:6:{s:7:\"user_id\";s:24:\"4ff60631ec0f92c5690002a6\";s:9:\"player_id\";s:24:\"4ff60631ec0f92c5690002a7\";s:7:\"game_id\";s:24:\"5009ce57d09b3efe03000000\";s:11:\"facebook_id\";s:9:\"xxx\";s:11:\"accessToken\";s:110:\"AAAGoXjtF6s0wBAIoUwOoMXU3WIt4ZBAih0NUvwXtGePBxYv6oOT1QvbEZAb77j2h8ZBKnpHrXktxHmz1WCyr5VR9RwdaiGzrxfNRgEXPr06gAZDZD\";s:5:\"round\";i:1;}", "expires" : NumberLong(1343338697), "modified" : ISODate("2012-07-26T21:38:17.083Z"), "created" : ISODate("2012-07-26T21:38:17.083Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5011b8ca564d445c0400008f"), "id" : "mnor9aspiacp3g41qq8g0fotk2", "data" : "Config|a:3:{s:9:\"userAgent\";s:0:\"\";s:4:\"time\";i:1343353098;s:9:\"countdown\";i:10;}", "expires" : NumberLong(1343338698), "modified" : ISODate("2012-07-26T21:38:18.689Z"), "created" : ISODate("2012-07-26T21:38:18.689Z") }
I can't seem to figure out this problem. I tried switching to memcache storage, but the same thing happens. A few more things to note:
- The site is using HTTPS
- 该网站正在使用HTTPS
- I am using the Facebook API which adds to the session, however I am creating the app session first
- 我正在使用Facebook API来添加会话,但是我首先创建的是应用程序会话
- The cookie with the session ID does exist and is being passed in all headers for every request
- 具有会话ID的cookie确实存在,并在每个请求的所有头部中传递。
- I am running on Amazon EC2
- 我正在Amazon EC2上运行
I am running out of ideas here as my ini settings look correct, and I've placed debug statements all through the app to ensure the order of operations is correct. Everything looks good so far.
1 个解决方案
On the mongodb side, you can use ensureIndex({id: 1}, {unique: true}) to prevent the insert from happening.
在mongodb端,您可以使用ensureIndex({id: 1}, {unique: true})来防止插入发生。
On the mongodb side, you can use ensureIndex({id: 1}, {unique: true}) to prevent the insert from happening.
在mongodb端,您可以使用ensureIndex({id: 1}, {unique: true})来防止插入发生。