
时间:2022-06-02 16:46:43

Tonight I copied an ASP 2.0 web site onto a client's machine, and lo! It did not work. It works perfectly on mine, under built in debugger and under IIS 7, and two weeks ago, it worked perfectly on his machine under IIS 6.

今晚我将一个ASP 2.0网站复制到客户端的机器上,然后!那没起效。它完全适用于我的内置调试器和IIS 7下,两周前,它在IIS 6下的机器上运行完美。

The only changes I have made are upgrading telerik RadGrid etc. to Q1 2009, and some refactoring. The application fails on two entry point web forms. Both have a RadGrid, which uses a User Control for its editing pop-up. Both forms fail to compile, with a 'Type or namespace JobEditControl not found" error, on a line like this:

我所做的唯一改变是将telerik RadGrid等升级到2009年第一季度,以及一些重构。应用程序在两个入口点Web表单上失败。两者都有一个RadGrid,它使用一个用户控件来编辑弹出窗口。两个表单都无法编译,在这样的行上有一个'Type或namespace JobEditControl not found'错误:

var editControl = e.Item.FindControl(GridEditFormItem.EditFormUserControlID) as JobEditControl;

The control is not referenced in the markup, as it never appears on there, and as I understand it, it should be compiled into the same default namespace as the page is compiled into when first hot.


The machine is still serving user controls properly, i.e. the .ascx handler appears healthy, and a quick test page containing a quick test control I added worked fine.


Another developer was busy on the machine before me, also installing an ASP.NET application, but I can't think of anything he would have changed. Even being my competition...


1 个解决方案


Check if the web.config has a reference to the current version of the telerik's controls.



Check if the web.config has a reference to the current version of the telerik's controls.
