
时间:2022-07-02 16:49:00

How do I do this?


My code is something like this:


var number = null;

function playSong(artist,title,song,id)
    alert('old number was: '+[number]+'');

    var number = '10';


The first alert always returns 'old number was: ' and not 10. Shouldn't it return 10 on both alerts on the second function call?

第一个警报总是返回'old number was:'而不是10.在第二个函数调用时,它不应该在两个警报上都返回10吗?

6 个解决方案


By using var when setting number = '10', you are declaring number as a local variable each time. Try this:

通过在设置number ='10'时使用var,您每次都将数字声明为局部变量。试试这个:

var number = null;

function playSong(artist,title,song,id)
    alert('old number was: '+[number]+'');

    number = '10';



Remove the var in front of number in your function. You are creating a local variable by


var number = 10;

what you need is just


number = 10;


The problem is that you're declaring a new variable named number inside of the function. This new variable hides the global number variable, so the line number = 10 assigns only to this new local variable.

问题是你在函数内部声明了一个名为number的新变量。此新变量隐藏全局数字变量,因此行号= 10仅分配给此新的局部变量。

You need to remove the var keyword from var number = 10.

您需要从var number = 10中删除var关键字。


Like in C, you need to define your variable outside of the function/method to make it global.


var number = 0;

function playSong(artist,title,song,id)
    alert('old number was: '+[number]+'');
    number = '10';


You can also access it in any function like window.number, after removing var inside function.

在删除var inside函数后,您还可以在window.number等任何函数中访问它。


Let me explain in detail, To declaring global variable and local variable in javascript


var firstNumber=5;//local variable
secondNumber=10; //global variable or window object

When your program is like this


var number =1;
function playSong() { 
    var number =2;

As per the JavaScript compiler all Declaration/initialization of variable will move to top this concept is called Hoisting. Link : https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_hoisting.asp


As per the compiler program will execute like


var number; //Declaration will move to top always in Javascript
function playSong() { 
    var number;
    alert(number); //output : undefied - This is local variable inside the function
    number =2;
    alert(number); // output : 2

If you need to access the global variable inside the function use window.number


var number =1;
function playSong() { 
   var number =2;
   alert(window.number); // output : 1   -From Global variable
   alert(number); // output : 2   -From local variable


By using var when setting number = '10', you are declaring number as a local variable each time. Try this:

通过在设置number ='10'时使用var,您每次都将数字声明为局部变量。试试这个:

var number = null;

function playSong(artist,title,song,id)
    alert('old number was: '+[number]+'');

    number = '10';



Remove the var in front of number in your function. You are creating a local variable by


var number = 10;

what you need is just


number = 10;


The problem is that you're declaring a new variable named number inside of the function. This new variable hides the global number variable, so the line number = 10 assigns only to this new local variable.

问题是你在函数内部声明了一个名为number的新变量。此新变量隐藏全局数字变量,因此行号= 10仅分配给此新的局部变量。

You need to remove the var keyword from var number = 10.

您需要从var number = 10中删除var关键字。


Like in C, you need to define your variable outside of the function/method to make it global.


var number = 0;

function playSong(artist,title,song,id)
    alert('old number was: '+[number]+'');
    number = '10';


You can also access it in any function like window.number, after removing var inside function.

在删除var inside函数后,您还可以在window.number等任何函数中访问它。


Let me explain in detail, To declaring global variable and local variable in javascript


var firstNumber=5;//local variable
secondNumber=10; //global variable or window object

When your program is like this


var number =1;
function playSong() { 
    var number =2;

As per the JavaScript compiler all Declaration/initialization of variable will move to top this concept is called Hoisting. Link : https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_hoisting.asp


As per the compiler program will execute like


var number; //Declaration will move to top always in Javascript
function playSong() { 
    var number;
    alert(number); //output : undefied - This is local variable inside the function
    number =2;
    alert(number); // output : 2

If you need to access the global variable inside the function use window.number


var number =1;
function playSong() { 
   var number =2;
   alert(window.number); // output : 1   -From Global variable
   alert(number); // output : 2   -From local variable