
时间:2021-01-02 16:46:46

I'm trying to use the Jenkins TFS Plugin and have trouble authenticating. I saw that user on the TFS administration, and gave it permissions on my project.
I've created a local user account (via Local Users and Groups) - TfsServer\TfsUserAdmin, and I'm trying to use it to authenticate against the TFS server.

我正在尝试使用Jenkins TFS插件并且无法进行身份验证。我在TFS管理中看到了该用户,并赋予了我对项目的权限。我已经创建了一个本地用户帐户(通过本地用户和组) - TfsServer \ TfsUserAdmin,我正在尝试使用它来对TFS服务器进行身份验证。

I able able to use the name and password of the user. For example this works (though it prints an empty list):


tf workspaces -format:brief -server:http://TfsServer:8080/tfs/Redacted_Collection -login:TfsServer\TfsUserAdmin,RedactedPassword

If I change the password on the above command I get an error, so authentication does work.


The next command is:


tf workspace -new "RedactedWorkspaceName;" -noprompt -server:http://TfsServer:8080/tfs/Redacted_Collection -login:TfsServer\TfsUserAdmin,RedactedPassword

This fails with the error:


TF14045: The identity TfsServer\TfsUserAdmin is not a recognized identity.

I don't think I can change these commands, they are created by the plugin.


I've found people with similar errors, but none of them had the user name at the error - only a GUID or the server name.

我发现有类似错误的人,但他们都没有错误的用户名 - 只有GUID或服务器名称。

Can I work with TFS and a local user?


1 个解决方案


You will likely need to use Shadow Accounts to get your Jenkins server to talk to TFS...


Create a local user on both your TFS server and your Jenkins server with the same Username & Passowrd. Then use that account to authenticate.


This is the only way to get cross domain coms working without trust and is a feature of Windows & AD. If your org has disabled it you will need to look at creating a trust relationship between your domains.



You will likely need to use Shadow Accounts to get your Jenkins server to talk to TFS...


Create a local user on both your TFS server and your Jenkins server with the same Username & Passowrd. Then use that account to authenticate.


This is the only way to get cross domain coms working without trust and is a feature of Windows & AD. If your org has disabled it you will need to look at creating a trust relationship between your domains.
