
时间:2022-06-16 16:49:32

I'm new to programming. I was trying to get the sum of the equation added to the previous value when I noticed some strange behavior.


If I declare int result inside int main () then I get a blank answer, but if I declare int result outside int main () then I get these values: 6,11,16...91,96,101. It doesn't make sense to me since I have no other function.

如果我在int main()中声明int结果,就会得到一个空答案,但是如果我在int main()之外声明int结果,就会得到这些值:6,11,16…96,101。这对我来说毫无意义,因为我没有其他的函数。

Why does this happen?


using namespace std;

int main ()
  int y =1;
  int result;

  while (result <100)
     result = y +5;
     cout << result << ",";
     y = result;


1 个解决方案



Within a function, int result; declares a variable named result, but doesn't initialize it to any particular value. Until you assign it a value it could be anything, and the behavior when reading from it is undefined. Thus when you read its value in your while condition it could be anything; your loop may execute or it may not. You need to supply an initial value for result to make the behavior of your program well-defined:


int result = 0;

Unlike local variable, global variables are defined to be initialized to a default value when no initial value is explicitly provided, so when you read the value of result in your while condition, it is 0, and your loop executes.




Within a function, int result; declares a variable named result, but doesn't initialize it to any particular value. Until you assign it a value it could be anything, and the behavior when reading from it is undefined. Thus when you read its value in your while condition it could be anything; your loop may execute or it may not. You need to supply an initial value for result to make the behavior of your program well-defined:


int result = 0;

Unlike local variable, global variables are defined to be initialized to a default value when no initial value is explicitly provided, so when you read the value of result in your while condition, it is 0, and your loop executes.
