
时间:2020-12-14 16:46:48

At the outset, i am using struts2, java and javascript to get my job done. I have outlined the problem as follows.


I have the following table on my page -

我的页面上有下表 -

checkbox  |  phone  | Name      
   []     | 123-456 | abcde

   []     | 234-567 | testname

(It is an outline, but stay with me)


The code for the table is as follows:


<s:if test="reportFilter.huntGroups!=null && reportFilter.huntGroups.size()>0">
    <s:iterator var="huntGroupVO" value="reportFilter.huntGroups" status="huntGroupKey">
      <tr <s:if test="#huntGroupKey.odd">class="oddRows"</s:if>>
        <td width="40px"><s:checkbox id="specHg_checkbox_%{#huntGroupKey.index}" name="reportFilter.selectedHuntGroups"  fieldValue="%{#huntGroupVO.phoneNumber}" value="%{reportFilter.selectedHuntGroups!=null && reportFilter.selectedHuntGroups.contains(#huntGroupVO.phoneNumber)?true:false}" theme="simple"></s:checkbox></td>
        <s:if test="#huntGroupVO.phoneNumber.length()>0">
          <s:property value="#huntGroupVO.phoneNumber"/>
          <s:property value="#huntGroupVO.userGroupId"/>

      <td class="hntName"><s:property value="#huntGroupVO.name"></s:property></td>

As is evident, i am passing the phone number as value when i tick the check-box. The problem is, i want to pass the name too.


I understand that we can pass it along with the phone number using something like a hyphen.


Assuming i have another variable ArrayList<String> hiddenName , i would like to populate the names corresponding to the ticked checkboxes in this variable. (I am thinking via a s:hidden parameter)

假设我有另一个变量ArrayList hiddenName,我想填充对应于此变量中勾选复选框的名称。 (我在想一个s:隐藏参数)

I apologize if it sounds a little confusing, but please help!


1 个解决方案



Obviously you can only pass a single value in any given form field.


You have a number of options, from the simple–use a string and split it to get both values, through the middle–pass an ID and retrieve the appropriate values in Java, to the complex–custom type conversion.


Which makes the most sense depends a lot on where your data is, how your data is, and so on.


Unrelated, but I find that JSP very difficult to read. I would refactor a significant amount. The following is untested, but much closer to what I would expect after a code review.


<s:if test="reportFilter.showGroups">
  <s:iterator value="reportFilter.huntGroups" status="status">
        <s:checkbox id="specHg_checkbox_%{#status.index}" theme="simple"
                    value="%{reportFilter.hasNumber(phoneNumber)}" />

        <s:set var="num" value="${phoneNumber.length() > 0 ? phoneNumber : userGroupId" />
        <s:property value="#num"/>

      <td class="hntName"><s:property value="name"/></td>

A few things of note:


  • Logic to decide if we'll show groups encapsulated in Java. Makes testing easier, too.
  • 决定我们是否会显示用Java封装的组的逻辑。使测试更容易。

  • Reasonable, shorter name for the iteration object: it's a group (or huntGroup).
  • 迭代对象的合理,较短的名称:它是一个组(或huntGroup)。

  • Extract the (phone number || group ID) value, eliminating a bunch of JSP tags.
  • 提取(电话号码||组ID)值,消除一堆JSP标记。

  • (Ideally that logic would be hidden in Java, either in the VO, or a decorator.)
  • (理想情况下,逻辑将隐藏在Java中,无论是在VO中还是装饰器中。)

  • The iterator tag pushes the iteration object onto the value stack, eliminating the need for directly referencing it by name. This one is a bit more iffy; it depends on your needs.
  • 迭代器标记将迭代对象推送到值堆栈,无需按名称直接引用它。这个有点不确定;这取决于你的需求。

  • In real life I'd probably put the entire group thing into a separate JSP or custom tag.
  • 在现实生活中,我可能会将整个组件放入单独的JSP或自定义标签中。



Obviously you can only pass a single value in any given form field.


You have a number of options, from the simple–use a string and split it to get both values, through the middle–pass an ID and retrieve the appropriate values in Java, to the complex–custom type conversion.


Which makes the most sense depends a lot on where your data is, how your data is, and so on.


Unrelated, but I find that JSP very difficult to read. I would refactor a significant amount. The following is untested, but much closer to what I would expect after a code review.


<s:if test="reportFilter.showGroups">
  <s:iterator value="reportFilter.huntGroups" status="status">
        <s:checkbox id="specHg_checkbox_%{#status.index}" theme="simple"
                    value="%{reportFilter.hasNumber(phoneNumber)}" />

        <s:set var="num" value="${phoneNumber.length() > 0 ? phoneNumber : userGroupId" />
        <s:property value="#num"/>

      <td class="hntName"><s:property value="name"/></td>

A few things of note:


  • Logic to decide if we'll show groups encapsulated in Java. Makes testing easier, too.
  • 决定我们是否会显示用Java封装的组的逻辑。使测试更容易。

  • Reasonable, shorter name for the iteration object: it's a group (or huntGroup).
  • 迭代对象的合理,较短的名称:它是一个组(或huntGroup)。

  • Extract the (phone number || group ID) value, eliminating a bunch of JSP tags.
  • 提取(电话号码||组ID)值,消除一堆JSP标记。

  • (Ideally that logic would be hidden in Java, either in the VO, or a decorator.)
  • (理想情况下,逻辑将隐藏在Java中,无论是在VO中还是装饰器中。)

  • The iterator tag pushes the iteration object onto the value stack, eliminating the need for directly referencing it by name. This one is a bit more iffy; it depends on your needs.
  • 迭代器标记将迭代对象推送到值堆栈,无需按名称直接引用它。这个有点不确定;这取决于你的需求。

  • In real life I'd probably put the entire group thing into a separate JSP or custom tag.
  • 在现实生活中,我可能会将整个组件放入单独的JSP或自定义标签中。