
时间:2021-05-17 16:45:34

If I have a class like this:


[DataContract(Name = "", Namespace = "")]
public class MyDataObject
    [DataMember(Name = "NeverNull")]
    public IList<int> MyInts { get; set; }

Is there a way I can make MyInts field a non-null empty list when the following string is deserialized?


string serialized = @"{""NeverNull"":null}";

MyDataObject myDataObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyDataObject>(serialized);

I’m using Newtonsoft.Json


The reason I ask is that I have a fairly complicated json request to parse, it contains nests of lists of objects and I'd like the deserialization code to create these object so I can avoid lots of null checks:


if (foo.bar != null)
    foreach (var bar in foo.bar)
        if (bar.baz != null)
            foreach (var baz in bar.baz)

2 个解决方案



Perhaps add a post-serialization callback that checks this at the end of deserialization?


[DataContract(Name = "", Namespace = "")]
public class MyDataObject
    public void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
        if (MyInts == null) MyInts = new List<int>();
    [DataMember(Name = "NeverNull")]
    public IList<int> MyInts { get; set; }

Note also that JsonConvert (unlike DataContractSerializer) executes the default constructor, so usually you could also have just added a default constructor:


    public MyDataObject()
        MyInts = new List<int>();

however, in this case the explict "NeverNull":null changes it back to null during deserialization, hence why I've used a callback above instead.




Initialization of IList<int>with new int[0] will help you out! Its the solution that gives me the best results.

使用新的int[0]初始化IList 将帮助您解决问题!它的解决方案给了我最好的结果。



Perhaps add a post-serialization callback that checks this at the end of deserialization?


[DataContract(Name = "", Namespace = "")]
public class MyDataObject
    public void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
        if (MyInts == null) MyInts = new List<int>();
    [DataMember(Name = "NeverNull")]
    public IList<int> MyInts { get; set; }

Note also that JsonConvert (unlike DataContractSerializer) executes the default constructor, so usually you could also have just added a default constructor:


    public MyDataObject()
        MyInts = new List<int>();

however, in this case the explict "NeverNull":null changes it back to null during deserialization, hence why I've used a callback above instead.




Initialization of IList<int>with new int[0] will help you out! Its the solution that gives me the best results.

使用新的int[0]初始化IList 将帮助您解决问题!它的解决方案给了我最好的结果。