
时间:2021-02-04 16:40:50
Break points:

b F                     Set a break-point at function F.
b *A                    Set a break-point at absolute address A
b N                     Set a break-point at line number N.
b N:F                   Set a break-point at line number N at file F.

info b                  Lists break-points.
cond B cond             Set a condition to a break-point B.
cond B                  Remove the condition of a break-point B.
delete B                Delete a break-point B.


stepi or si             Execute one machine instruction (follows a call).
step or s               Execute one C-program statement (steps into functions).
stepi N                 Do N machine instructions.
nexti or ni             Same as si but execute calls as one instructions.
next or n               Same as ni but execute functions as one statement.
bt                      Show names of the stack frames.
up                      Go up one stack frame.
down                    Go down one stack frame.


info reg                List contents of registers.
p V                     Print contents of a variable V.
x /CT A                 Examining memory where:
                        C   number of units to display. 
                        T   x hex integer.
                            d dec integer.
                            u unsigned dec integer.
                            o octal integer.
                            c character.
                            s null terminated string.
                            i as machine instruction.
                        A   an absolute address or 
                            $reg pointed by some register.