1,首先还是装visual studio 2015 rc吧,目前只放出在线安装,所以要很长很长时间。不过有新闻说很快要实现中国网友至少8m的带宽。
Joyent Node.js enables Visual Studio to integrate with the Apache Cordova Command Line Interface (CLI) and Apache Ripple Emulator.
Git CLI is required only if you need to manually add Git URIs for specific Cordova plug-ins.
Google Chrome is required to run the Apache Ripple emulator for iOS and Android.
Apache Ant 1.8.0 or later is required for the Android build process.
32-bit Oracle Java JDK 7 is required for the Android build process.
Android SDK is required for the Android build process and Ripple.
Apple iTunes is required for deploying an app to an iOS device connected to your Windows PC.
ios日后再说,先java,注意java只能是32位的;android sdk;ant;git;每项都必须在系统环境配置好。不知道怎么配?还好用百度也能搞定。调试只能用Chome浏览器,还好以前装过了。
3,装好vs后,文件/新建/项目/已安装/其他语言/javascript/Apach Cordova Apps。编译好后,debug那里选平台,选调试器。
4,开始看Apach Cordova Programing 4