我们板子的android 源码版本是4.2,现在我想把android源码升级到4.4, 用板子原来的kernel和android 4.4制作了一个升级包, 升级成功后, 板子不能正常启动, 启动时报下面的错误:
[ 7.826832@1] CEC node init
[ 7[ 7.881564@0] Changing baud from 0 to 115200
[ 7.931531@1] HDMI: audio channel num is 0
[ 7.931568@1] current VIC: 19
[ 7.932939@1] audio sample rate: 0
[ 7.936324@1] HDMI: reset audio N para
[ 7.940062@1] PCM out to HDMI
[ 7.952194@1] Time out: AIU_HDMI_CLK_DATA_CTRL
[ 7.952218@1] i2s_to_spdif_flag:1
[ 7.954378@1] Enable audio spdif to HDMI
[ 7.958326@1] HDMI: set audio param
[ 7.981689@0] init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
[ 8.164105@0] init: /dev/hw_random not found
[ 8.167079@0] init: cannot find '/sbin/healthd', disabling 'healthd'
[ 8.169088@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/servicemanager', disabling 'servicemanager'
[ 8.177253@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/vold', disabling 'vold'
[ 8.183536@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/netd', disabling 'netd'
[ 8.189827@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/debuggerd', disabling 'debuggerd'
[ 8.197217@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/rild', disabling 'ril-daemon'
[ 8.203927@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/surfaceflinger', disabling 'surfaceflinger'
[ 8.211992@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/app_process', disabling 'zygote'
[ 8.219079@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/drmserver', disabling 'drm'
[ 8.225796@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/mediaserver', disabling 'media'
[ 8.232824@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/installd', disabling 'installd'
[ 8.239823@0] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[ 8.248359@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/keystore', disabling 'keystore'
[ 8.255853@0] init: property 'sys.powerctl' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.powerctl}'
[ 8.263723@0] init: powerctl: cannot expand '${sys.powerctl}'
[ 8.269421@0] init: property 'sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}'
[ 8.280560@0] init: cannot expand '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}' while writing to '/proc/sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes'
[ 8.951538@0] HDMITX: no HDCP key available
[ 8.951562@0] HDMITX: HDCP Key error
[ 8.953642@0] HDMITX: no HDCP key available
[ 8.957803@0] HDMITX: HDCP Key error
[ 7.981689@0] init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
[ 8.164105@0] init: /dev/hw_random not found
[ 8.167079@0] init: cannot find '/sbin/healthd', disabling 'healthd'
[ 8.169088@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/servicemanager', disabling 'servicemanager'
[ 8.177253@0] init: cannot find '/system/bin/vold', disabling 'vold'