It is easy to see that for every fraction in the form 1 k (k > 0), we can always find two positive integers x and y, x ≥ y, such that: 1 k = 1 x + 1 y Now our question is: can you write a program that counts how many such pairs of x and y there are for any given k?
Input contains no more than 100 lines, each giving a value of k (0 < k ≤ 10000).
For each k, output the number of corresponding (x, y) pairs, followed by a sorted list of the values of x and y, as shown in the sample output.
Sample Input 2 12
Sample Output
1/2 = 1/6 + 1/3
1/2 = 1/4 + 1/4
1/12 = 1/156 + 1/13
1/12 = 1/84 + 1/14
1/12 = 1/60 + 1/15
1/12 = 1/48 + 1/16
1/12 = 1/36 + 1/18
1/12 = 1/30 + 1/20
1/12 = 1/28 + 1/21
1/12 = 1/24 + 1/24
当然,这个题由于精度问题,我们还是尽量避免除法运算,首先把式子通分,可以求得x = [k * y / (y - k)], 这里要求y必须大于k,所以枚举时y的范围可以进一步缩小为[k+1, 2*k]。所以,我们可以这样想,对y进行枚举,判断k*y%(y - k)这个式子是否为零,如果为零,说明此时算出的x为正整数,而这个x也正是符合题意的x。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; #define NUM 1005 int main() { int i, j,n; while (cin>>n) { int a[NUM], b[NUM]; ; ; y <= * n; y++) //i代表的是y的数值,至于y的为什么是这样范围,自己仔细分析便可知 { ) //用%判断(y*n)是否能被(y+n)整除,这样计算的x是否满足条件 { x = (y*n) / (y - n); //因为y的范围小,且好确定,所以选择遍历y,x的值则通过简单的数学变换得到 a[cur] = x; b[cur] = y; cur++; //开始因为上面写成a[cur++];b[cur++]wrong了很久 } } cout << cur << endl; ; i < cur; i++) { printf("1/%d = 1/%d + 1/%d\n", cur, a[i], b[i]); } } ; }