
时间:2022-11-15 16:26:18

I don't want to type /cygdrive/c/path/to/stuff, especially when using tools that don't know anything about cygwin. Is there a way to configure cygwin to autocomplete "c:\path\to\stuff" or even "c:/path/to/stuff"?

我不想输入/ cygdrive / c / path / to / stuff,特别是在使用对cygwin一无所知的工具时。有没有办法配置cygwin自动完成“c:\ path \ to \ stuff”甚至“c:/ path / to / stuff”?

4 个解决方案


For tools that can't understand cygwin paths, you'll need to convert them to windows paths. The cygpath utility can do this for you:

对于无法理解cygwin路径的工具,您需要将它们转换为Windows路径。 cygpath实用程序可以为您执行此操作:

notepad $(cygpath -w /cygdrive/c/path/to/stuff)

You can probably create aliases or wrapper scripts for commonly-used windows executables.



Autocomplete should be working after the /cygdrive/c bit. Make a symlink for "/cygdrive/c/" to something else, like "ln -s /cygdrive/c /c". Also, make sure your inputrc is set up correctly.

自动完成应该在/ cygdrive / c位之后工作。将“/ cygdrive / c /”的符号链接设置为其他内容,例如“ln -s / cygdrive / c / c”。另外,请确保您的inputrc设置正确。


Windows itself can autocomplete paths, with some minor registry tweaks. Or am I missing something in this question?



use alias:

Open the .bashrc file already copied in your home directory and type (I use "vi" editor for this but you can use "pico" which is a bit easier):


alias C="C:\Documents\ and\ Settings\Administrator"

you can use any path here. Save the .bashrc ("Ctrl+X" in pico I think, and :wq in "vi") and close the terminal. After restarting this console, typing "C" and pressing enter will send you automatically to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"

你可以在这里使用任何路径。保存.bashrc(我认为pico中的“Ctrl + X”,以及“vi”中的wq)并关闭终端。重新启动此控制台后,键入“C”并按Enter将自动发送到“C:\ Documents and Settings \ Administrator”

To know which alias you have, just type "alias" in your terminal and all your alias will show up.



For tools that can't understand cygwin paths, you'll need to convert them to windows paths. The cygpath utility can do this for you:

对于无法理解cygwin路径的工具,您需要将它们转换为Windows路径。 cygpath实用程序可以为您执行此操作:

notepad $(cygpath -w /cygdrive/c/path/to/stuff)

You can probably create aliases or wrapper scripts for commonly-used windows executables.



Autocomplete should be working after the /cygdrive/c bit. Make a symlink for "/cygdrive/c/" to something else, like "ln -s /cygdrive/c /c". Also, make sure your inputrc is set up correctly.

自动完成应该在/ cygdrive / c位之后工作。将“/ cygdrive / c /”的符号链接设置为其他内容,例如“ln -s / cygdrive / c / c”。另外,请确保您的inputrc设置正确。


Windows itself can autocomplete paths, with some minor registry tweaks. Or am I missing something in this question?



use alias:

Open the .bashrc file already copied in your home directory and type (I use "vi" editor for this but you can use "pico" which is a bit easier):


alias C="C:\Documents\ and\ Settings\Administrator"

you can use any path here. Save the .bashrc ("Ctrl+X" in pico I think, and :wq in "vi") and close the terminal. After restarting this console, typing "C" and pressing enter will send you automatically to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"

你可以在这里使用任何路径。保存.bashrc(我认为pico中的“Ctrl + X”,以及“vi”中的wq)并关闭终端。重新启动此控制台后,键入“C”并按Enter将自动发送到“C:\ Documents and Settings \ Administrator”

To know which alias you have, just type "alias" in your terminal and all your alias will show up.
