Git Command用于自定义目的

时间:2023-02-06 16:28:20

There are a lot of feature / hotfix Git branches I created from dev branch and developed things and merged back to dev branch. But, meanwhile I forgot to delete local feature / hotfix branches after merging with the development dev branch. I would be happy to know if there is a command which would list all the branch names that had been checked out from dev branch initially and merged to dev branch after its completion. Also, if possible fetch all the branches which are deleted remotely but not locally. Currently I am standing at dev branch.


I have used


git log dev --pretty=oneline --graph

git log dev --pretty = oneline --graph

command to see all merge and pull requests created from dev branch. But then I needed to inspect to find out the branch names. If there is a specific command to output the branch names, it would have been better. Thank you for any help :)

命令查看从dev分支创建的所有合并和拉取请求。但后来我需要检查以找出分支名称。如果有一个特定的命令来输出分支名称,那就更好了。感谢您的任何帮助 :)

1 个解决方案



You can find all branches that are fully merged with the dev branch (including dev itself) using


git branch --merged dev



You can find all branches that are fully merged with the dev branch (including dev itself) using


git branch --merged dev