
时间:2021-05-23 16:22:40

My app receives push notifications successfully if run at least once per boot both in the background and when force closed (thanks to PushKit).


If I reboot the device, I won't receive any pushes until I launch the app at least once.


How can I get this scenario working? I'm running latest Xcode and iOS (8.3)


If I leave the app running in the background when I reboot the device, the app still shows up in the recents menu however no pushes are received and no AppDelegate entry points are hit (that I have anyways).


  • All push/notification permissions are enabled as well as Background App Refresh
  • 启用所有推送/通知权限以及后台应用刷新

  • Background Mode Capabilities are enabled (VoIP, push, fetch)
  • 后台模式功能已启用(VoIP,推送,提取)

1 个解决方案


The problem was that the app was going dormant before the callback to update credentials.


The solution was to start a background task in didLaunchWithOptions and end the background task in the didUpdatePushCredentials function.



The problem was that the app was going dormant before the callback to update credentials.


The solution was to start a background task in didLaunchWithOptions and end the background task in the didUpdatePushCredentials function.
