平均文件列M的最后N行 - 终端

时间:2021-04-23 16:21:03

I wanted to compute an average of the last N lines of column M of a file. I found that the best solution is to use tail to get last N lines and pipe it to awk. For my case, N=200 and M=2. The resulting command would be:

我想计算文件列M的最后N行的平均值。我发现最好的解决方案是使用tail来获取最后N行并将其传递给awk。对于我的情况,N = 200且M = 2。结果命令是:

tail -n 200 -f filename.asc | awk '{ total += $2 } END { print total/NR }'

However, I am not getting any result. In fact, the terminal does not return. I tried tail separately and it outputs the last 200 rows fine, but does not work combined with awk.


I also tried using unbuffer (before the tail) as one of the solutions suggested this, but still not solved yet. Kindly suggest a solution.


1 个解决方案



When running tail with -f (follow mode), it never terminates; and awk runs the END block at the end-of-input, thus it will never terminate. Remove the -f and it should work.




When running tail with -f (follow mode), it never terminates; and awk runs the END block at the end-of-input, thus it will never terminate. Remove the -f and it should work.
