
时间:2021-04-09 16:04:48

Im trying to call a function when another one ends but I keep getting an error that tells me the image is not above 0 pixels high and wide so I presume it hasn't got the image before the function is called. when I add a breakpoint where the function to call the OCR the app doesn't show the image on the screen at this point which is why I came to that conclusion.


here is the error I get from the ocr.


NSAssert( widthOfImage > 0 && heightOfImage > 0, @"Passed image must not be empty - it should be at least 1px tall and wide");

NSAssert(widthOfImage> 0 && heightOfImage> 0,@“传递的图像不能为空 - 它应至少为1px高和宽”);

below is my console readout where I placed prints to see the flow.


Tony 1 Requested.... Tony 3 run OCR.... Tony 2 Handle Rectangle.... Tony: Corected image here...... (lldb)

Tony 1请求...... Tony 3运行OCR .... Tony 2处理矩形.... Tony:这里的核心图像......(lldb)

Below is my code. should i have in a completion that makes sure the function is not called until the image is in place?.


func startOCR() {
        swiftOCRInstance.recognize(correctedImageView.image!) {recognizedString in
            self.classificationLabel.text = recognizedString

lazy var rectanglesRequest: VNDetectRectanglesRequest = {
    print("Tony 1 Requested....")
    return VNDetectRectanglesRequest(completionHandler: self.handleRectangles)


func handleRectangles(request: VNRequest, error: Error?) {
    guard let observations = request.results as? [VNRectangleObservation]
        else { fatalError("unexpected result type from VNDetectRectanglesRequest") }
    guard let detectedRectangle = observations.first else {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.classificationLabel.text = "No rectangles detected."
    let imageSize = inputImage.extent.size

    // Verify detected rectangle is valid.
    let boundingBox = detectedRectangle.boundingBox.scaled(to: imageSize)
    guard inputImage.extent.contains(boundingBox)
        else { print("invalid detected rectangle"); return }

    // Rectify the detected image and reduce it to inverted grayscale for applying model.
    let topLeft = detectedRectangle.topLeft.scaled(to: imageSize)
    let topRight = detectedRectangle.topRight.scaled(to: imageSize)
    let bottomLeft = detectedRectangle.bottomLeft.scaled(to: imageSize)
    let bottomRight = detectedRectangle.bottomRight.scaled(to: imageSize)
    let correctedImage = inputImage
        .cropped(to: boundingBox)
        .applyingFilter("CIPerspectiveCorrection", parameters: [
            "inputTopLeft": CIVector(cgPoint: topLeft),
            "inputTopRight": CIVector(cgPoint: topRight),
            "inputBottomLeft": CIVector(cgPoint: bottomLeft),
            "inputBottomRight": CIVector(cgPoint: bottomRight)
    //          .applyingFilter("CIColorControls", parameters: [
    //                kCIInputSaturationKey: 0,
    //                kCIInputContrastKey: 32
    //            ])

    // Show the pre-processed image
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        self.correctedImageView.image = UIImage(ciImage: correctedImage)
        if self.correctedImageView.image != nil {
            print("Tony 2 Handle Rectangle....")
            print("Tony: Corected image here......")

        }else {
            print("Tony: No corected image......")

    print("Tony 3 run OCR....")

I also get a purple error the says the UIImage should be used on the main thread in the pic below...



1 个解决方案



You need to use the main thread whenever you're working with UIImageView, or any other UIKit class (unless otherwise noted, such as when constructing UIImages on background threads).


You can use GCD to do this on the main thread.


DispatchQueue.main.async {
    //Handle UIKit actions here

Source: Apple Documentation


Threading Considerations: Manipulations to your application’s user interface must occur on the main thread. Thus, you should always call the methods of the UIView class from code running in the main thread of your application. The only time this may not be strictly necessary is when creating the view object itself, but all other manipulations should occur on the main thread.




You need to use the main thread whenever you're working with UIImageView, or any other UIKit class (unless otherwise noted, such as when constructing UIImages on background threads).


You can use GCD to do this on the main thread.


DispatchQueue.main.async {
    //Handle UIKit actions here

Source: Apple Documentation


Threading Considerations: Manipulations to your application’s user interface must occur on the main thread. Thus, you should always call the methods of the UIView class from code running in the main thread of your application. The only time this may not be strictly necessary is when creating the view object itself, but all other manipulations should occur on the main thread.
