
时间:2021-09-06 16:05:21

Suppose I have the following code:


class siteMS
    function __CONSTRUCT()
        require 'config.php';
        $this->config = new siteMSConfig;

From inside the siteMSConfig class can I determine weather or not it is being called from inside the siteMS class?


3 个解决方案


Yes, but there's no "pretty" way to do it - you'll end up looking through a backtrace or something similar.

是的,但没有“漂亮”的方式去做 - 你最终会通过回溯或类似的东西来看。

It would be better to pass an (optional?) parameter to the siteMSConfig constructor like this:


class siteMSConfig
    public function __construct($inSiteMS = false)

or alternatively, subclass siteMSConfig:


class siteMSsiteMSConfig extends siteMSConfig
    public function __construct()
        // Possibly call parent::__construct();


Technically yes, you could use debug_backtrace to figure out who your caller was.


Writing a class which alters its behaviour based purely on where it called from is asking for a world of pain later on though. Why not parameterise the different behaviour, or make a subclass?



I guess you have to pass it with variable, from what place you called it


$this->config = new siteMSConfig ('siteMS');


Yes, but there's no "pretty" way to do it - you'll end up looking through a backtrace or something similar.

是的,但没有“漂亮”的方式去做 - 你最终会通过回溯或类似的东西来看。

It would be better to pass an (optional?) parameter to the siteMSConfig constructor like this:


class siteMSConfig
    public function __construct($inSiteMS = false)

or alternatively, subclass siteMSConfig:


class siteMSsiteMSConfig extends siteMSConfig
    public function __construct()
        // Possibly call parent::__construct();


Technically yes, you could use debug_backtrace to figure out who your caller was.


Writing a class which alters its behaviour based purely on where it called from is asking for a world of pain later on though. Why not parameterise the different behaviour, or make a subclass?



I guess you have to pass it with variable, from what place you called it


$this->config = new siteMSConfig ('siteMS');