
时间:2022-10-29 16:05:01

I will directly start from an ex: I have two classes A and B, both are derived from UITableViewController.


I have also added them into navigation controller so there is navigation going on from A to B. These both classes use database for showing data into the table. Now in B View I delete a row from the DB and A view displays the row count of that DB table. Now what I am doing is on the BACK button of the navigation I want to I am calling this method TRY 1:

我还将它们添加到导航控制器中,因此从A到B进行导航。这两个类都使用数据库将数据显示到表中。现在在B视图中,我从数据库中删除一行,一个视图显示该数据库表的行数。现在我正在做的是导航的BACK按钮我想要我调用这个方法TRY 1:

//in class B
[ObjA.tbleView reloadData];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnitmated:YES]; 

on its action. The problem is this method does not reload the data of View A. i.e., it doesn't call the tbleView's delegate methods like cellForIndexPath...etc. Then I thought that may the reloadData shud be called from the same class so did this TRY 2:

在它的行动。问题是这个方法没有重新加载View A的数据,即它没有调用tbleView的委托方法,如cellForIndexPath ...等。然后我认为可以从同一个类调用reloadData shud,所以这个TRY 2:

//in class B
[ObjA.tbleView myReloadData];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnitmated:YES]; 
//Class A
[self.tbleView reloadData];

It comes into this method but still doesn't call the tableView delegate methods. Please let me know why I am not able to do this silly thing :(. Regards.. Amit


2 个解决方案


Have you connected the UITableView's delegate and dataSource outlets correctly (either in your nib or using code, depending on how you create the table)?



You're close, put this in class A:


- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];
    [self.tableView reloadData];


Have you connected the UITableView's delegate and dataSource outlets correctly (either in your nib or using code, depending on how you create the table)?



You're close, put this in class A:


- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];
    [self.tableView reloadData];