在VC ++中将可选参数传递给COM函数

时间:2020-12-15 16:04:07

I have an MFC wrapper over a COM object. There is a function that takes a large number of options, which are mostly optional. How do I pass some arguments but not others?


For what it's worth, the optional arguments are listed as VARIANT*.

对于它的价值,可选参数列为VARIANT *。

Below is the code


CComVariant vFalse = false;
CApplication application;


    CDocuments documents = application.get_Documents();       

    CComVariant vFilename = _T("c:\\temp\\test.rtf");
    CComVariant vNothing;
    CComVariant vEmpty = _T("");
    CComVariant vOpenFormat = 0;

    // THIS FUNCTION has a number of optional arguments
    LPDISPATCH pDocument = documents.Open(&vFilename, &vFalse, &vFalse, &vFalse, &vEmpty, &vEmpty, &vFalse, &vEmpty, &vEmpty, &vOpenFormat, &vOpenFormat, &vFalse, &vFalse, &vOpenFormat, &vFalse, &vFalse);
application.Quit(&vFalse, NULL, NULL);

2 个解决方案


To skip an optional parameter in a COM method pass a VARIANT of type VT_ERROR and the error code must by DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.


CComVariant vtOptional;
vtOptional.vt = VT_ERROR;
vtOptional.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;

Now you can use vtOptional as a parameter you don't want to specify if the parameter is optional.


Here is the official word on this: "How to pass optional parameters when you call a function in Visual C++"

以下是关于此的官方说法:“在Visual C ++中调用函数时如何传递可选参数”


An unspecified variant is normally VT_EMPTY:


_variant_t vtEmpty(VT_EMPTY);

You obviously have written the CDocuments and CApplication wrappers around the COM interfaces, so you could specify the optional parameters as having default value of vtEmpty.



To skip an optional parameter in a COM method pass a VARIANT of type VT_ERROR and the error code must by DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.


CComVariant vtOptional;
vtOptional.vt = VT_ERROR;
vtOptional.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;

Now you can use vtOptional as a parameter you don't want to specify if the parameter is optional.


Here is the official word on this: "How to pass optional parameters when you call a function in Visual C++"

以下是关于此的官方说法:“在Visual C ++中调用函数时如何传递可选参数”


An unspecified variant is normally VT_EMPTY:


_variant_t vtEmpty(VT_EMPTY);

You obviously have written the CDocuments and CApplication wrappers around the COM interfaces, so you could specify the optional parameters as having default value of vtEmpty.
