I would like to numerically integrate a vector which represents a function f(x) over the range of x specified by bounds x0 and x1 in Matlab. I would like to check that the output of the integration is correct and that it converges.
There are the quad and quadl functions that serve well in identifying the required error tolerance, but they need the input argument to be a function and not the resulting vector of the function. There is also the trapz function where we can enter the two vectors x and f(x), but then it computes the integral of f(x) with respect to x depending on the spacing used by vector x. However, there is no given way using trapz to adjust the tolerance as in quad and quadl and make sure the answer is converging.
The main problem why I can't use quad and quadl functions is that f(x) is the following equation: f(x) = sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y))), the summation is over y, where y is a vector of length n and x is an element that is given each time to the function f(x). Therefore, all elements in vector y are subtracted from element x and then the summation over y is calculated to give us the value f(x). This is done for m values of x, where m is not equal to n.
我不能用四和四函数的主要问题是,f(x)是下面的方程:f(x) = sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)),总和为y,其中y是长度为n的向量,x是每一次函数f(x)的一个元素。因此,向量y中的所有元素都从元素x中减去,然后求和除以y就得到了f(x)的值。这是对m值的x, m不等于n。
When I use quadl as explained in the Matlab manual, where f(x) is defined in a separate function .m file and then in the main calling file, I use Q = quadl(@f,x0,x1,tolerance,X,Y); here X is a vector of length m and Y is a vector of length L. Matlab gives an error: "??? Error using ==> minus Matrix dimensions must agree." at the line where I define the function f(x) in the .m function file. f(x) = sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)))
当我在Matlab手册中使用quadl时,f(x)在一个单独的函数.m文件中定义,然后在主调用文件中,我使用Q = quadl(@f,x0,x1,,x,Y);这里X是长度m的向量,Y是长度l的向量,Matlab给出了一个错误:???使用==> -矩阵维度的错误必须一致。f(x)=总和(exp(1/2 *(x - y)))
I assume the problem is that Matlab treats x and y as vectors that should be of the same length when they are subtracted from each other, whereas what's needed is to subtract the vector Y each time from a single element from the vector X.
Would you please recommend a way to solve this problem and successfully numerically integrate f(x) versus x with a method to control the tolerance?
2 个解决方案
From the documentationon quad
it says:
The function y = fun(x) should accept a vector argument x and return a vector result y, the integrand evaluated at each element of x.
函数y = fun(x)应该接受一个向量参数x,并返回一个向量结果y,并在x的每个元素上进行积分。
So every time we call the function, we need to evaluate the integrand at each given x
Also, to parameterize the function call with the constant vector Y
, I recommend an anonymous function call. There's a reasonable demo here. Here's how I implemented your problem in Matlab:
function Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q = quad(@(x) myFun(x,Y),x0,x1);
function fx = myFun(x,Y)
fy = zeros(size(Y));
fx = zeros(size(x));
for jj=1:length(fx)
for ii=1:length(Y)
fy(ii) = exp(-1/2 *(x(jj)-Y(ii)));
fx(jj) = sum(fy);
Then I called the function and got the following output:
Y = 0:0.1:1;
x0 = 0;
x1 = 1;
Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q =
The inputs for the lower and upper bound and the constant array are obviously just dummy values, but the integral converges very quickly, almost immediately. Hope this helps!
I believe the following would also work:
y = randn(10,1);
func = @(x) sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)));
From the documentationon quad
it says:
The function y = fun(x) should accept a vector argument x and return a vector result y, the integrand evaluated at each element of x.
函数y = fun(x)应该接受一个向量参数x,并返回一个向量结果y,并在x的每个元素上进行积分。
So every time we call the function, we need to evaluate the integrand at each given x
Also, to parameterize the function call with the constant vector Y
, I recommend an anonymous function call. There's a reasonable demo here. Here's how I implemented your problem in Matlab:
function Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q = quad(@(x) myFun(x,Y),x0,x1);
function fx = myFun(x,Y)
fy = zeros(size(Y));
fx = zeros(size(x));
for jj=1:length(fx)
for ii=1:length(Y)
fy(ii) = exp(-1/2 *(x(jj)-Y(ii)));
fx(jj) = sum(fy);
Then I called the function and got the following output:
Y = 0:0.1:1;
x0 = 0;
x1 = 1;
Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q =
The inputs for the lower and upper bound and the constant array are obviously just dummy values, but the integral converges very quickly, almost immediately. Hope this helps!
I believe the following would also work:
y = randn(10,1);
func = @(x) sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)));