
时间:2022-02-18 16:02:49

The complete testing code shown in the following


The header file ( say, a.h ) defines the following codes:


typedef uint8_t EnrollT(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
typedef void ChangeT(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);
struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *, ChangeT *);

In one of my c ( say, test1.c) files which includes a.h shown below:


void Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2){
     printf("Happy Enrolling");

void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2){
     printf("Happy Changing");

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *p, ChangeT *q)
    p = Enroll;
    q = Change;

    return something;

Above codes gets compiled okay, however, in the following code, I am a little bit confused in the another c file ( say, test2.c ) which includes a.h as well.


void priTest(){
    somethingOkay = ClientAlloc( ???? );

In this case, what arguments should I add in my ClientAlloc() function in test2.c ?



To be clear, I've modified the code as shown in the following:


In the header


typedef uint8_t EnrollT(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
typedef void ChangeT(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);
struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *, ChangeT *);

In test1.c

void Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2){
     printf("Happy Enrolling");

void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2){
     printf("Happy Changing");

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *p, ChangeT *q)
    p = Enroll;
    q = Change;

    return something;

In test2.c

uint8_t Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);

void priTest(){
    somethingOkay = ClientAlloc( Enroll, Change );

@Joachim Pileborg

I modifed my code as shown in the following, please let me know if I misunderstand what you mean in your reply.


In my header a.h


typedef uint8_t (*EnrollT)(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
typedef void (*ChangeT)(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);
struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *, ChangeT *);

In test1.c

void Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2){
     printf("Happy Enrolling");

void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2){
     printf("Happy Changing");

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *p, ChangeT *q)
    *p = Enroll;
    *q = Change;

    return something;

In test2.c

EntrollT enroll;
ChangeT  change;

void priTest(){
    somethingOkay = ClientAlloc( &enroll, &change );

2 个解决方案



You cannot use Enroll and Change to make an EnrollT and ChangeT function pointers, because they are incompatible. In order for the functions to match, they must have the same signatures as the functions declared in your typedefs:


uint8_t Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2){
    printf("Happy Enrolling");
    return 0;
void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2){
     printf("Happy Changing");

Now you can pass these functions to ClientAlloc:


somethingOkay = ClientAlloc(Enroll, Change);

Since the call happens in a different file, you need to forward-declare your functions at the top of the file:


uint8_t Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);



First of all, if you want e.g. EnrollT to be a pointer to a function, then you need to declare it as such:


typedef uint8_t (*EnrollT)(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);

Secondly, the functions definitions you use do not match the type-alias you create, so while it might build without errors, you still have problems in your code that should cause compiler warnings, and if you don't get warnings then you should enable more warnings when building. Warnings are often a sign of you doing something you should not do, that might lead to undefined behavior and possible crashes. And don't fix warnings by just some simple casting, try to find out the root cause of the warnings, and fix that instead.


Thirdly, and the problem you're asking about. If you make the change in the first paragraph, then it's simple:


EntrollT enroll;
ChangeT  change;

ClientAlloc(&enroll, &change);

However, that is the simple part, because you have to modify the ClientAlloc function too, to be able to handle the emulated pass by reference handling:


struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *p, ChangeT *q)
    // Note use of dereference operator `*` here
    *p = Enroll;
    *q = Change;

    return something;

At least if you want to set p and q to the functions Enroll and Change, so you could call them from the code that called ClientAlloc. IF that's not what you want to do, but instead pass in functions pointer to be called by e.g. ClientAlloc then you need to make more modifications, like saving the pointer passed to the function instead of assigning to them.

至少如果你想将p和q设置为Enroll and Change函数,那么你可以从调用ClientAlloc的代码中调用它们。如果这不是你想要做的,而是传入函数指针,以便通过例如调用。 ClientAlloc然后您需要进行更多修改,例如保存传递给函数的指针而不是分配给它们。

If you want to pass in function pointer to be used by ClientAlloc instead, then you should not define the functions inside that source file, instead define them where they are supposed to be, in the source calling ClientAlloc, then you should have e.g.


Header file:

typedef uint8_t (*EnrollT)(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
typedef void (*ChangeT)(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT, ChangeT);


// Declare the function pointers
// (static so the won't be exported)
static EnrollT enroll;
static ChangeT change;

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT e, ChangeT c)
    enroll = e;
    change = c;


And finally your test2.c:


uint8_t my_enroll_function(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2)

void my_change_function(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2)

int main(void)
    ClientAlloc(my_enroll_function, my_change_function);



You cannot use Enroll and Change to make an EnrollT and ChangeT function pointers, because they are incompatible. In order for the functions to match, they must have the same signatures as the functions declared in your typedefs:


uint8_t Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2){
    printf("Happy Enrolling");
    return 0;
void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2){
     printf("Happy Changing");

Now you can pass these functions to ClientAlloc:


somethingOkay = ClientAlloc(Enroll, Change);

Since the call happens in a different file, you need to forward-declare your functions at the top of the file:


uint8_t Enroll(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
void Change(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);



First of all, if you want e.g. EnrollT to be a pointer to a function, then you need to declare it as such:


typedef uint8_t (*EnrollT)(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);

Secondly, the functions definitions you use do not match the type-alias you create, so while it might build without errors, you still have problems in your code that should cause compiler warnings, and if you don't get warnings then you should enable more warnings when building. Warnings are often a sign of you doing something you should not do, that might lead to undefined behavior and possible crashes. And don't fix warnings by just some simple casting, try to find out the root cause of the warnings, and fix that instead.


Thirdly, and the problem you're asking about. If you make the change in the first paragraph, then it's simple:


EntrollT enroll;
ChangeT  change;

ClientAlloc(&enroll, &change);

However, that is the simple part, because you have to modify the ClientAlloc function too, to be able to handle the emulated pass by reference handling:


struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT *p, ChangeT *q)
    // Note use of dereference operator `*` here
    *p = Enroll;
    *q = Change;

    return something;

At least if you want to set p and q to the functions Enroll and Change, so you could call them from the code that called ClientAlloc. IF that's not what you want to do, but instead pass in functions pointer to be called by e.g. ClientAlloc then you need to make more modifications, like saving the pointer passed to the function instead of assigning to them.

至少如果你想将p和q设置为Enroll and Change函数,那么你可以从调用ClientAlloc的代码中调用它们。如果这不是你想要做的,而是传入函数指针,以便通过例如调用。 ClientAlloc然后您需要进行更多修改,例如保存传递给函数的指针而不是分配给它们。

If you want to pass in function pointer to be used by ClientAlloc instead, then you should not define the functions inside that source file, instead define them where they are supposed to be, in the source calling ClientAlloc, then you should have e.g.


Header file:

typedef uint8_t (*EnrollT)(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2);
typedef void (*ChangeT)(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2);

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT, ChangeT);


// Declare the function pointers
// (static so the won't be exported)
static EnrollT enroll;
static ChangeT change;

struct ClusterT * ClientAlloc(EnrollT e, ChangeT c)
    enroll = e;
    change = c;


And finally your test2.c:


uint8_t my_enroll_function(uint16_t test1, uint16_t test2)

void my_change_function(uint64_t post1, uint8_t post2)

int main(void)
    ClientAlloc(my_enroll_function, my_change_function);