命令从ngrx v2.0安全升级到4.0

时间:2021-03-12 16:02:46

Is there a command to upgrade from ngrx v-2 to ngrx v4 like we had for Angular version 2.0 to version 4.0 ?

是否有命令从ngrx v-2升级到ngrx v4,就像我们为Angular 2.0版升级到4.0版一样?

I tried searching for one but the only thing i got in the git repo as well as other blogs is this npm install @ngrx/core @ngrx/store --save.

我试着寻找一个,但我在git repo和其他博客中唯一得到的是这个npm install @ ngrx / core @ ngrx / store --save。

I know i can uninstall ngrx v2.0 and then run this command . But is there any other way to do it directly . I am using angular cli.

我知道我可以卸载ngrx v2.0然后运行此命令。但有没有其他方法可以直接做到这一点。我正在使用角度cli。

My present ngrx dependencies.


I want to Update all of these to latest v4.


命令从ngrx v2.0安全升级到4.0

1 个解决方案



You can use the NPM package npm-check-updates for this. [link]

您可以使用NPM软件包npm-check-updates进行此操作。 [链接]



You can use the NPM package npm-check-updates for this. [link]

您可以使用NPM软件包npm-check-updates进行此操作。 [链接]