
时间:2022-04-09 15:59:09

I have an ASP.NET application in VB.NET. I have a Javascript function in mypage.aspx and another one in my callback.aspx page. I need this scripts to render and submit an IFrame on mypage.aspx.


When I click on the submit button:


<asp:Button ID="subbtn" Name="Submit" OnClientClick="onsubmit_action();" runat="server" />

this script is executed, where iframeId is the id of the IFrame:


function onsubmit_action() {


The response of the IFrame (validation or success) is submitted to the callback.aspx file. I guess this happens through cross-site scripting that calls the callback function in the callback.aspx file;


function callback()

that calls the function in mypage.aspx


function pagecallback_success(ref_id) {
        var Url = "mypage.aspx?";
        Url += "id=" + id;
        window.location.href = Url;

The script works as expected. Now, I would like to call a server function


Protected Function Store(ByVal id As String) As Boolean

in mypage.aspx.vb and pass the variable id:


function hostedpagecallback_success(id) {
            var Url = "mypage.aspx?";
            Url += "id=" + id;
            window.location.href = Url;
            "<%= Store(id) %>"

The problem is that the compiler considers id as a server side function and gives a compile error. However if I use a sub (without parameters) instead of a function, the sub is executed 3 times, on page_load, when the IFrame is received and another time (connection is https cannot debug Javascript efficiently).


I am not good in cross-site scripting and code nuggets, probably it is really trivial but I do not know how to solve this problem. Anybody?


1 个解决方案



I think you are looking for page methods a feature of MS-Ajax. Put the [WebMethod] on the method you want to call (server side) and call it client side with something like PageMethods.GetData(f, s, OnRequestComplete, OnRequestError);


The whole pattern takes an article to describe. http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/article454-using-pagemethods-and-json-in-aspnet-ajax.aspx

整个模式需要一篇文章来描述。 http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/article454-using-pagemethods-and-json-in-aspnet-ajax.aspx



I think you are looking for page methods a feature of MS-Ajax. Put the [WebMethod] on the method you want to call (server side) and call it client side with something like PageMethods.GetData(f, s, OnRequestComplete, OnRequestError);


The whole pattern takes an article to describe. http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/article454-using-pagemethods-and-json-in-aspnet-ajax.aspx

整个模式需要一篇文章来描述。 http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/article454-using-pagemethods-and-json-in-aspnet-ajax.aspx