
时间:2021-01-14 16:03:42

Hi i am trying to add thick box to a overlay in googlemaps. On my JQuery onload function i call the following function. The map works fine. But when the thick box doesn't seem to be called. This is the line that does work

嗨,我想在googlemaps中添加厚框到叠加层。在我的JQuery onload函数上,我调用以下函数。地图工作正常。但是当厚盒子似乎没有被召唤时。这是有效的线

<a href="test.html?keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=250&width=400" title="add a caption to title attribute / or leave blank" class="thickbox">Example 1</a>

The whole function


function load(lat, lng, zlevel, userKey, state) {

        map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
        map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lng), zlevel);

        if (state) {

            dsp = true;

            map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
            GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay, latlng) {

                var zoom = map.getZoom();
                var display = '<h5 class="header-flag">Flag</h5><p class="maptext"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:openOverlay(' + latlng.lat() + ',' + latlng.lng() + ',' + zoom + ');">Click here</a> to enter your comment - 
<a href="test.html?keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=250&width=400" title="add a caption to title attribute / or leave blank" class="thickbox">Example 1</a></p>';

                setTimeout(function() { map.openInfoWindowHtml(latlng, display, { maxWidth: 200 }); }, 0);
        } else {


        mgr = new MarkerManager(map);

1 个解决方案


Your adding the link that you want to activate the thickbox to the DOM after the thickbox function has already been called. This is because you are creating the link dynamically within the map.openInfoWindowHtml function. You need to call the thickbox function after this function has been executed.


Trouble is I just looked at the thickbox docs and thickbox gets set up within the thickbox.js file as soon as the DOM loads which is too soon for you. You could try to alter the setTimeout function to this:


setTimeout(function() { map.openInfoWindowHtml(latlng, display, { maxWidth: 200 }); tb_init('a.thickbox'); }, 0);

I cant be 100% sure this will work, but this is the crux of the problem.



Your adding the link that you want to activate the thickbox to the DOM after the thickbox function has already been called. This is because you are creating the link dynamically within the map.openInfoWindowHtml function. You need to call the thickbox function after this function has been executed.


Trouble is I just looked at the thickbox docs and thickbox gets set up within the thickbox.js file as soon as the DOM loads which is too soon for you. You could try to alter the setTimeout function to this:


setTimeout(function() { map.openInfoWindowHtml(latlng, display, { maxWidth: 200 }); tb_init('a.thickbox'); }, 0);

I cant be 100% sure this will work, but this is the crux of the problem.
