mac osx 10.8上的初学者python

时间:2022-02-26 16:01:05

I'm learning programming and have been working with Ruby and ROR, but feel I like Python's language better for learning programming. Although I see the beauty of Ruby and Rails, I feel I need a language more easy to learn programming concepts, thus Python. However, I can't seem to find a community online or offline that work on Apple osx; mostly seems to be PC people for Python. What I like about Ruby is that there is a lot of books, communities, etc, and they tend to have a good amount of Mac resources. Would someone be able to point me to an google groups, forums, etc for beginner Python programming that may have tutorials, or help for people running on Mountain Lion? I'm feeling a little frustrated and caught between the Ruby Vs. Python paradigm, and just want some mac specific resources working with latest Python and eventually Django.

我正在学习编程并且一直在使用Ruby和ROR,但我觉得我更喜欢Python的语言来学习编程。虽然我看到了Ruby和Rails的美妙,但我觉得我需要一种更容易学习编程概念的语言,因此需要Python。但是,我似乎找不到在Apple osx上工作的在线或离线社区;大多数人似乎都是Python的PC用户。我喜欢Ruby的是,有很多书籍,社区等,他们往往拥有大量的Mac资源。有人能够指向我的谷歌小组,论坛等初学者Python编程,可能有教程,或帮助山狮上运行的人?我感觉有点沮丧,陷入了Ruby Vs. Python范例,只是想要一些使用最新Python和最终Django的mac特定资源。

Thanks for any help you may be able to offer!


1 个解决方案



Mac OS X 10.8 comes bundled with Python 2.7.2 found at /usr/bin/python. Generally in the Python world your operating system is abstracted away, so there aren't that many OS-specific communities. Apple fully embraces Python, however, and you can even write fully native applications using Python.

Mac OS X 10.8与/ usr / bin / python中的Python 2.7.2捆绑在一起。通常在Python世界中,您的操作系统被抽象掉了,因此没有那么多特定于操作系统的社区。 Apple完全支持Python,你甚至可以使用Python编写完全本机应用程序。

My suggestions to get you started would be to:


  • Install homebrew - This is an open source package installer for Mac OS X, inspired by Debian's apt-get or RedHat's yum. This will allow you to easily install many of the system-level dependencies like database servers, NoSQL servers, system libraries, and so on. You will inevitably be required to install this stuff as time goes by, so it's best to have the right tool for the job!

    安装homebrew - 这是一款适用于Mac OS X的开源软件包安装程序,受Debian的apt-get或RedHat的yum启发。这将允许您轻松安装许多系统级依赖项,如数据库服务器,NoSQL服务器,系统库等。随着时间的推移,你将不可避免地被要求安装这些东西,所以最好有适合这项工作的工具!

  • Install pip - The Python package installer. You won't regret it. This will allow you to easily manage external Python packages.

    安装pip - Python包安装程序。你不会后悔的。这将允许您轻松管理外部Python包。

  • Check out the official Python tutorial. It's quite good, but also assumes you have at least basic understanding of programming.


  • Check out Learn Python the Hard Way, a free e-Book by Zed Shaw, which assumes no prior programming experience and is very, very easy to follow.

    查看学习Python的艰难之路,这是Zed Shaw的免费电子书,它假设没有先前的编程经验,并且非常,非常容易理解。

These should keep you busy for a while!!




Mac OS X 10.8 comes bundled with Python 2.7.2 found at /usr/bin/python. Generally in the Python world your operating system is abstracted away, so there aren't that many OS-specific communities. Apple fully embraces Python, however, and you can even write fully native applications using Python.

Mac OS X 10.8与/ usr / bin / python中的Python 2.7.2捆绑在一起。通常在Python世界中,您的操作系统被抽象掉了,因此没有那么多特定于操作系统的社区。 Apple完全支持Python,你甚至可以使用Python编写完全本机应用程序。

My suggestions to get you started would be to:


  • Install homebrew - This is an open source package installer for Mac OS X, inspired by Debian's apt-get or RedHat's yum. This will allow you to easily install many of the system-level dependencies like database servers, NoSQL servers, system libraries, and so on. You will inevitably be required to install this stuff as time goes by, so it's best to have the right tool for the job!

    安装homebrew - 这是一款适用于Mac OS X的开源软件包安装程序,受Debian的apt-get或RedHat的yum启发。这将允许您轻松安装许多系统级依赖项,如数据库服务器,NoSQL服务器,系统库等。随着时间的推移,你将不可避免地被要求安装这些东西,所以最好有适合这项工作的工具!

  • Install pip - The Python package installer. You won't regret it. This will allow you to easily manage external Python packages.

    安装pip - Python包安装程序。你不会后悔的。这将允许您轻松管理外部Python包。

  • Check out the official Python tutorial. It's quite good, but also assumes you have at least basic understanding of programming.


  • Check out Learn Python the Hard Way, a free e-Book by Zed Shaw, which assumes no prior programming experience and is very, very easy to follow.

    查看学习Python的艰难之路,这是Zed Shaw的免费电子书,它假设没有先前的编程经验,并且非常,非常容易理解。

These should keep you busy for a while!!
