
时间:2022-06-11 15:42:25

I have the following jQuery:


    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#btnGetIDs').click(function getIDs() {
            var checkedIds = $(":checkbox:checked").map(function () {
                return this.id;

This is used for the creation of the checkboxes (it is nested within a lengthy foreach datarow in datatable).


                    results.Append("<td> <input id=" + RosteredCareID + " type=\"checkbox\" unchecked>        </td>");

Which I can see, from debugging in the browser, is working as intended and creating an array of IDs.


The intended functionality is: 1. System loads page 2. User clicks some check boxes 3. User clicks submit 4. System gets the IDs of checked boxes and stores in array



    protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string[] IDs = new string[20];

        // IDs = "";


So how I can access the jQuery array from the btnConfirm_Click event?


I have tried a scriptmanager line of code but it was causing errors with a scriptmanager on a masterpage.


1 个解决方案


Add a name property to your checkbox markup.


results.Append("<td><input id='" + RosteredCareID + "' type='checkbox' name='" + RosteredCareID  + "' unchecked /></td>");

(Notice I properly quoted your ID. And I used single quotes within the JS string to avoid the need to escape your double quotes.)


Then in the server side, the values will be available in the Request.Form property. You can enumerate over them like this:


foreach (var name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form Name: " + name + " Form Value: " + Request.Form[key]);

If the value is checked, it will be in there.


There may be lots of form values, so you'll need to filter them to get only what you want. I suggest you prefix your name with a particular string. Ex:


results.Append("<td><input id='" + RosteredCareID + "' type='checkbox' name='RosterCareCB_" + RosteredCareID  + "' unchecked /></td>");

Then on the server side, filter on that prefix.


var checkedIds = new List<string>();
foreach (var name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    if(name.StartsWith("RosterCareCB_") && Request.Form[name] == "on")


Add a name property to your checkbox markup.


results.Append("<td><input id='" + RosteredCareID + "' type='checkbox' name='" + RosteredCareID  + "' unchecked /></td>");

(Notice I properly quoted your ID. And I used single quotes within the JS string to avoid the need to escape your double quotes.)


Then in the server side, the values will be available in the Request.Form property. You can enumerate over them like this:


foreach (var name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form Name: " + name + " Form Value: " + Request.Form[key]);

If the value is checked, it will be in there.


There may be lots of form values, so you'll need to filter them to get only what you want. I suggest you prefix your name with a particular string. Ex:


results.Append("<td><input id='" + RosteredCareID + "' type='checkbox' name='RosterCareCB_" + RosteredCareID  + "' unchecked /></td>");

Then on the server side, filter on that prefix.


var checkedIds = new List<string>();
foreach (var name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    if(name.StartsWith("RosterCareCB_") && Request.Form[name] == "on")