jQuery .Ajax()函数选择器,将特定数据存储在变量中

时间:2020-12-19 15:42:42

I am new to jQuery and I have the following problem.


My project has say 2 pages, 1.JSP and 2.html. Now I want to pick selected data from 2.html and use it on 1.JSP. Now this was achieved very easily using .load but I want the data to be present in a JavaScript variable rather than put it on the page (div tags, etc.), so that I can work upon that data (modify or add to database).

我的项目有2页,1.JSP和2.html。现在我想从2.html中选择所选数据并在1.JSP上使用它。现在这很容易使用.load实现,但我希望数据存在于JavaScript变量中,而不是将其放在页面上(div标签等),以便我可以处理该数据(修改或添加到数据库) )。

I tried using .ajax and was able to write the following code:


    var value = (function () {
        var val = nulll;
        var filename = " 2.html";

        $.ajax ({
            'async': false,
            'global': false,
            'url': filename,
            'success' : function(data) {
                val = data;
        return val;

Where do I put the selector format (say div.id5) so that my variable have only relevant data rather than the full file data?


3 个解决方案



function modify_data(data){

   type: "POST", //POST OR GET
   url: "1.JSP", // URL TO SEND AJAX DATA TO
   data: "name=John&location=Boston", // DATA TO SEND
   success: function(data){ // CALLBACK FUNCTION
     modify_data(data);// sending data to another function to play with it

This is how to send an Ajax request and print it on the body after modifying the received data.




Let's say you have 1.html and 2.html, and inside 2.html's body you have this:


<h1 id="foo">hello</h1>

Then in your 1.html you'd get the text inside H1 like this:


var filename = " 2.html";

$.ajax ({
    'async': false,
    'global': false,
    'url': filename,
    'success' : function(data) {
        var html = $(data);
        html.each(function() {
            if(this.tagName && this.tagName == 'H1') {
                alert( $(this).html() ); 

This should give an annoying JS alert with 'hello' written inside it.




I guess you're referring to $.load() function's ability to receive a jquery selector along with the URL to filter the result. That's to say, today you're doing it like this:

我猜你是指$ .load()函数接收jquery选择器以及过滤结果的URL的能力。那就是说,今天你这样做:

$('div').load('2.html div.id5');

So you really want to be able to do the same using the $.ajax() function. I believe the easiest way for you to do that is to use the .find() jquery function inside your 'success' event function (I'm omitting the whole .ajax() call, just typing the success event code):

所以你真的希望能够使用$ .ajax()函数做同样的事情。我相信你最简单的方法就是在'success'事件函数中使用.find()jquery函数(我省略了整个.ajax()调用,只输入成功事件代码):

success: function (data) {
    val = $(data).find('div.id5').html(); 
    // now you ony have that specific div's contents

I saw a few other errors in your javascript code I think you'll want to fix (if you're actually using that code).


    // null is defined with 2 ls
    var val = nulll;

    // Is the space on purpose?
    var filename = " 2.html";



function modify_data(data){

   type: "POST", //POST OR GET
   url: "1.JSP", // URL TO SEND AJAX DATA TO
   data: "name=John&location=Boston", // DATA TO SEND
   success: function(data){ // CALLBACK FUNCTION
     modify_data(data);// sending data to another function to play with it

This is how to send an Ajax request and print it on the body after modifying the received data.




Let's say you have 1.html and 2.html, and inside 2.html's body you have this:


<h1 id="foo">hello</h1>

Then in your 1.html you'd get the text inside H1 like this:


var filename = " 2.html";

$.ajax ({
    'async': false,
    'global': false,
    'url': filename,
    'success' : function(data) {
        var html = $(data);
        html.each(function() {
            if(this.tagName && this.tagName == 'H1') {
                alert( $(this).html() ); 

This should give an annoying JS alert with 'hello' written inside it.




I guess you're referring to $.load() function's ability to receive a jquery selector along with the URL to filter the result. That's to say, today you're doing it like this:

我猜你是指$ .load()函数接收jquery选择器以及过滤结果的URL的能力。那就是说,今天你这样做:

$('div').load('2.html div.id5');

So you really want to be able to do the same using the $.ajax() function. I believe the easiest way for you to do that is to use the .find() jquery function inside your 'success' event function (I'm omitting the whole .ajax() call, just typing the success event code):

所以你真的希望能够使用$ .ajax()函数做同样的事情。我相信你最简单的方法就是在'success'事件函数中使用.find()jquery函数(我省略了整个.ajax()调用,只输入成功事件代码):

success: function (data) {
    val = $(data).find('div.id5').html(); 
    // now you ony have that specific div's contents

I saw a few other errors in your javascript code I think you'll want to fix (if you're actually using that code).


    // null is defined with 2 ls
    var val = nulll;

    // Is the space on purpose?
    var filename = " 2.html";