
时间:2022-11-28 15:40:11

So im trying to write some VBA for my excel spreedsheet.

所以我试着为我的excel spreedsheet写一些VBA。

I have a table with four coloumns, i read each line and I want it to skip that line if coloumn 1 2 or 3 is empty, but instead it exits and doesnt move to the next line.

我有一个有四个颜色的表,我读了每一行,如果coloumn 1 2或3为空,我希望它跳过该行,而是退出并且不会移动到下一行。

  For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
    If myArray(y, 1) = "" Then Exit For
        If myArray(y, 2) = "" Then Exit For
            If myArray(y, 3) = "" Then Exit For
    Attribute = "Animal"

    Value = myArray(y, 3)
    Value = myArray(y, 2) & "¦" & FoodFunc(Value) & "¦" & myArray(y, 4)
    Debug.Print Value

  Next y

Debug.Print "***TEST FINISHED***"

4 个解决方案



Why not make it simple by using OR Try replacing your lines 2-4 conditions by 1 IF combined with AND

为什么不通过使用OR使其变得简单。尝试用1 IF结合AND替换你的2-4行条件

If myArray(y, 1) <> "" And myArray(y, 2) <> "" And myArray(y, 3) <> "" Then




Running an ever increasing IF test to check every element will get messy.


Another option is to


  • Slice each row of the array using Index (in the example below I Transpose the array outside of the loop so Index slices a row rather than column)


  • Tranpose is used to convert the row slice to a 1D array


  • Join makes a string of the row
  • Join创建一行的字符串

  • Len then tests if the row is empty (if the string is zero length)
  • Len然后测试行是否为空(如果字符串为零长度)


`test array
myArray = [a1:d100]
myArr2 = Application.Transpose(myArray)

With Application
For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
    If Len(Join(.Transpose(.Index(myArr2, , y)))) = 0 Then
    `row is empty
    `plan b
    End If
Next y
End With



Exit For attached to each of your conditions is explicitly terminating the For loop, not moving on to the next cycle of the loop. Excel VBA doesn't have a Continue -type option to skip to the next iteration of the loop, so you need to handle this yourself.

退出对于附加到每个条件,显式终止For循环,而不是继续循环的下一个循环。 Excel VBA没有Continue -type选项可以跳到循环的下一次迭代,因此您需要自己处理。

For readability I often code the failure conditions, as you have, then run the code on acceptable conditions under an Else clause:


For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
    If myArray(y, 1) = "" Or myArray(y, 2) = "" Or myArray(y, 3) = "" Then 
         ' unsuitable for action
        Attribute = "Animal"

        Value = myArray(y, 3)
        Value = myArray(y, 2) & "¦" & FoodFunc(Value) & "¦" & myArray(y, 4)
            Debug.Print Value

        ' TODO: take useful action on the generated string
    End If

Next y

    Debug.Print "***TEST FINISHED***"

Because it's not descriptive and can be confused with the cell property, I wouldn't have a variable called Value, either.




Here is an idea you might use: What I'm doing is adding an if that only executes if none of the three lines are empty. If any of them is empty, the for-loop won't do anything and just skip to next y.


For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)

If not(myArray(y, 1) = "" or myArray(y, 2) = "" or myArray(y, 3) = "") Then 
    Attribute = "Animal"

    Value = myArray(y, 3)
    Value = myArray(y, 2) & "¦" & FoodFunc(Value) & "¦" & myArray(y, 4)

    Debug.Print Value
End If
Next y
Debug.Print "***TEST FINISHED***"



Why not make it simple by using OR Try replacing your lines 2-4 conditions by 1 IF combined with AND

为什么不通过使用OR使其变得简单。尝试用1 IF结合AND替换你的2-4行条件

If myArray(y, 1) <> "" And myArray(y, 2) <> "" And myArray(y, 3) <> "" Then




Running an ever increasing IF test to check every element will get messy.


Another option is to


  • Slice each row of the array using Index (in the example below I Transpose the array outside of the loop so Index slices a row rather than column)


  • Tranpose is used to convert the row slice to a 1D array


  • Join makes a string of the row
  • Join创建一行的字符串

  • Len then tests if the row is empty (if the string is zero length)
  • Len然后测试行是否为空(如果字符串为零长度)


`test array
myArray = [a1:d100]
myArr2 = Application.Transpose(myArray)

With Application
For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
    If Len(Join(.Transpose(.Index(myArr2, , y)))) = 0 Then
    `row is empty
    `plan b
    End If
Next y
End With



Exit For attached to each of your conditions is explicitly terminating the For loop, not moving on to the next cycle of the loop. Excel VBA doesn't have a Continue -type option to skip to the next iteration of the loop, so you need to handle this yourself.

退出对于附加到每个条件,显式终止For循环,而不是继续循环的下一个循环。 Excel VBA没有Continue -type选项可以跳到循环的下一次迭代,因此您需要自己处理。

For readability I often code the failure conditions, as you have, then run the code on acceptable conditions under an Else clause:


For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
    If myArray(y, 1) = "" Or myArray(y, 2) = "" Or myArray(y, 3) = "" Then 
         ' unsuitable for action
        Attribute = "Animal"

        Value = myArray(y, 3)
        Value = myArray(y, 2) & "¦" & FoodFunc(Value) & "¦" & myArray(y, 4)
            Debug.Print Value

        ' TODO: take useful action on the generated string
    End If

Next y

    Debug.Print "***TEST FINISHED***"

Because it's not descriptive and can be confused with the cell property, I wouldn't have a variable called Value, either.




Here is an idea you might use: What I'm doing is adding an if that only executes if none of the three lines are empty. If any of them is empty, the for-loop won't do anything and just skip to next y.


For y = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)

If not(myArray(y, 1) = "" or myArray(y, 2) = "" or myArray(y, 3) = "") Then 
    Attribute = "Animal"

    Value = myArray(y, 3)
    Value = myArray(y, 2) & "¦" & FoodFunc(Value) & "¦" & myArray(y, 4)

    Debug.Print Value
End If
Next y
Debug.Print "***TEST FINISHED***"