
时间:2022-06-12 15:31:10
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    std::string text = argv[1];
    std::string patterns = argv[2];

    boost::regex regex = boost::regex(patterns);

    boost::smatch match;

    std::cout << boost::regex_search(text, match, regex) << std::endl;    

If I run the program over the input hello¿ ¿ (containing a non-ASCII character with UTF-8 encoding) it returns 0 i.e. not found, but if I run it over the input hel√ √ (again containing non-ascii) it returns 1, i.e. found.

如果我运行程序输入你好害怕害怕(包含非ascii字符的utf - 8编码)它返回0即没有发现,但是如果我运行它在输入冥界√√(同样包含非ascii)返回1,即发现。

My question: What is the expected behavior of boost::regex (i.e. the ascii version) when run over utf characters?


Edit: Thanks for all the comments, I am still interested as to why exactly 1 is output, since both the text and the regex contain non-ascii characters. My guess would be that the bytes are interpreted as ascii and thus they match.


2 个解决方案



  1. Using regular expressions on ASCII strings, is about using "bytes" to find a pattern in.
    Using regular expressions on UTF-8 strings, is about using regular expressions on "multi-byte" sequences, where a sequence represents a Unicode code point.

    Thus the regular expression gets applied to a Unicode string with an encoding with variable byte-count per character.

    UTF-8 strings contain multi-byte sequences with 1 to 4 bytes, which representing a Unicode "character". In UTF-8 only ASCII 7 bit characters are 1 byte "wide".

    So - using an ASCII regular expression engine on an UTF-8 encoded string, ignores the multi-byte sequences in the UTF-8 encoded string and causes a pattern matching byte by byte. The results of this ASCII regular expression engine usage on an UTF-8 encoded string is invalid.

    Please take a look at http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net.

    To get the regular expressions working on UTF-8 encoded strings, you have to …

    在ASCII字符串中使用正则表达式,就是使用“字节”来查找一个模式。在UTF-8字符串上使用正则表达式,是关于在“多字节”序列上使用正则表达式,其中序列表示Unicode代码点。因此,将正则表达式应用到具有每个字符的变量字节计数的编码的Unicode字符串。UTF-8字符串包含1到4字节的多字节序列,表示Unicode“字符”。在UTF-8中,只有ASCII 7位字符是1字节“宽”。因此——在UTF-8编码的字符串上使用ASCII正则表达式引擎,会忽略UTF-8编码字符串中的多字节序列,并导致逐字节的模式匹配。这个ASCII正则表达式引擎在UTF-8编码字符串上的使用结果无效。请查看http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net。要使正则表达式在UTF-8编码的字符串上工作,您必须…

    • have UTF-8 string iterators usable with the regular expressions, or
    • 让UTF-8字符串迭代器可以用于正则表达式,还是
    • use std::codecvt_utf8 in combination of setting temporarily the global locale to get the regular expression working, or
    • 使用std::codecvt_utf8结合临时设置全局语言环境以使正则表达式工作,或
    • have to convert the UTF-8 encoded string into a UTF-16 encoded string to be used with an Unicode regular expression engine - based on std::wstring.
    • 必须将UTF-8编码的字符串转换为UTF-16编码的字符串,以与Unicode正则表达式引擎(基于std::wstring)一起使用。
  2. The regex_search function returns a boolean and true on a match.
    In your case the ASCII regular expression pattern matches a part of the UTF-8 encoded string, which is parsed invalidly as ASCII string - as you assumed!
    If you have English text in an UTF-8 encoded string, then an ASCII regular expression engine can be used safely. Leaving the ASCII 7 bit range, makes the result of the ASCII regular expression engine unreliable.

    regex_search函数在匹配时返回一个布尔值和true值。在您的示例中,ASCII正则表达式模式匹配UTF-8编码字符串的一部分,该字符串被无效地解析为ASCII字符串——正如您所假定的那样!如果您有UTF-8编码字符串中的英语文本,那么可以安全地使用ASCII正则表达式引擎。离开ASCII 7位范围,使ASCII正则表达式引擎的结果不可靠。



It is a bug and not a feature: I tried your example on a better system (g++ 4.9.2 on Windows MinGW) and all happens well:

这是一个bug,而不是特性:我在一个更好的系统(Windows MinGW的g++ 4.9.2)上尝试了您的示例,一切都很顺利:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
int main()
{ std::string text ="hello¿"; // or "hello√"
  std::string patterns ="¿";  // or "√"
  std::regex regex = std::regex(patterns);
  std::smatch match;
  std::cout << std::regex_search(text, match, regex) << std::endl;

with output:





  1. Using regular expressions on ASCII strings, is about using "bytes" to find a pattern in.
    Using regular expressions on UTF-8 strings, is about using regular expressions on "multi-byte" sequences, where a sequence represents a Unicode code point.

    Thus the regular expression gets applied to a Unicode string with an encoding with variable byte-count per character.

    UTF-8 strings contain multi-byte sequences with 1 to 4 bytes, which representing a Unicode "character". In UTF-8 only ASCII 7 bit characters are 1 byte "wide".

    So - using an ASCII regular expression engine on an UTF-8 encoded string, ignores the multi-byte sequences in the UTF-8 encoded string and causes a pattern matching byte by byte. The results of this ASCII regular expression engine usage on an UTF-8 encoded string is invalid.

    Please take a look at http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net.

    To get the regular expressions working on UTF-8 encoded strings, you have to …

    在ASCII字符串中使用正则表达式,就是使用“字节”来查找一个模式。在UTF-8字符串上使用正则表达式,是关于在“多字节”序列上使用正则表达式,其中序列表示Unicode代码点。因此,将正则表达式应用到具有每个字符的变量字节计数的编码的Unicode字符串。UTF-8字符串包含1到4字节的多字节序列,表示Unicode“字符”。在UTF-8中,只有ASCII 7位字符是1字节“宽”。因此——在UTF-8编码的字符串上使用ASCII正则表达式引擎,会忽略UTF-8编码字符串中的多字节序列,并导致逐字节的模式匹配。这个ASCII正则表达式引擎在UTF-8编码字符串上的使用结果无效。请查看http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net。要使正则表达式在UTF-8编码的字符串上工作,您必须…

    • have UTF-8 string iterators usable with the regular expressions, or
    • 让UTF-8字符串迭代器可以用于正则表达式,还是
    • use std::codecvt_utf8 in combination of setting temporarily the global locale to get the regular expression working, or
    • 使用std::codecvt_utf8结合临时设置全局语言环境以使正则表达式工作,或
    • have to convert the UTF-8 encoded string into a UTF-16 encoded string to be used with an Unicode regular expression engine - based on std::wstring.
    • 必须将UTF-8编码的字符串转换为UTF-16编码的字符串,以与Unicode正则表达式引擎(基于std::wstring)一起使用。
  2. The regex_search function returns a boolean and true on a match.
    In your case the ASCII regular expression pattern matches a part of the UTF-8 encoded string, which is parsed invalidly as ASCII string - as you assumed!
    If you have English text in an UTF-8 encoded string, then an ASCII regular expression engine can be used safely. Leaving the ASCII 7 bit range, makes the result of the ASCII regular expression engine unreliable.

    regex_search函数在匹配时返回一个布尔值和true值。在您的示例中,ASCII正则表达式模式匹配UTF-8编码字符串的一部分,该字符串被无效地解析为ASCII字符串——正如您所假定的那样!如果您有UTF-8编码字符串中的英语文本,那么可以安全地使用ASCII正则表达式引擎。离开ASCII 7位范围,使ASCII正则表达式引擎的结果不可靠。



It is a bug and not a feature: I tried your example on a better system (g++ 4.9.2 on Windows MinGW) and all happens well:

这是一个bug,而不是特性:我在一个更好的系统(Windows MinGW的g++ 4.9.2)上尝试了您的示例,一切都很顺利:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
int main()
{ std::string text ="hello¿"; // or "hello√"
  std::string patterns ="¿";  // or "√"
  std::regex regex = std::regex(patterns);
  std::smatch match;
  std::cout << std::regex_search(text, match, regex) << std::endl;

with output:
