Here we take secureCRT5.2.2.299 as an example, depict the configuration of some keypoints which is at least I think.
In the fist time, you canclick this button
In the protocol, we choosetelnet to connect and input hostname and then click connectbutton.
Ps: the difference betweentelnet and SSH is:
ftp/pop and telnet isnon-secure protocol, it will send the information withoutencrypting, so bad guys can sniffer it in network. In the SSHcommunication between client and server, the message was encryptedfor preventing sniffer. And with high speed transport because datawas compressed in the transferring. But must install software inboth client and server.
Normally, in the innernetwork, usually we use telnet connection, after you login once andif you select the “save session”, you will see the recent sessionin the window.
Click secondbutton
If you didn’t select “openin a tab”, the new connection will appear in other independentwindows like this:
I think its better setthis option on or click the third button toopen a new connection in a tab directly, especially for thesituation that you have to open so many sessions.
Now it’s the time tointroduce the configuration related with options, it will beconvenient for our operation and make our work efficient.
In the menu “Options”,there are “session options” and “global options”, actually “globaloptions” includes the entire configuration item in “sessionoptions”
The default session in“global options” will invoke all conf items in “session options”and applied for all session, so some conf items should be set inglobal setting, such as log record/font etc.
To set the sessionoptions, you can open a session which was defined the IP and somebasic item before, and select the options->sessionoptions, or use the shortcut: select one session which you wannamodify first and press “Alt+Enter”, the same function with the“Properties” in the popup menu when you right-click it.
But if you login thesession first and select the options->sessionoptions, namely the former depicted above, you can configure allitems with the latter but IP
you will see it with thegrey “connection” conf item:
@Automate logon自动登录
“Logon Scripts” item isthe one which I most like, because in my work, I will maintenanceso many connections which I already knew the password, this confitem will reduce the operation which login and switch during mywork.
Select “Automate logon” toactivate this function, and configure the expect and send item, ifthe system receive the character which you configured in “expect”item, CRT will send the message which you configured in “send”item. Usually I will configure the following items, the first willsend login the system using root, the second will send thepassword, and the last one will switch the user which I operatefrequently, so I will login the user after switch user root, when Ineed to do operates in other user, it’s easy for me that I use“exit” and “su - user” to switch without inputting any password,the precondition is you know the password of root.
Tips: for the security,check “Hide” of password item. As for the “Send initial carriagereturn” item, Check this option if you want SecureCRT to send acarriage return to the remote machine before starting the automatedlogon script. Because some systems will not display a logon promptuntil receiving a carriage return
@Anti-idle& Close Disconnect Session防呆死和自动关闭断连回话
Inoption->session options->terminal,the useful item is “Anti-idle”, I use the second option “sendprotocol NO-OP”, check this item and set the interval as 60 sec,because the system was set to that disconnect automatically ifno-response in the specified duration, so this item will make youdo something else during a bit of duration between two operationsand keep the session alive. The first option “send string” is notuseful, because the string sent by CRT which is for Anti-idle willdisturb my operation.
And I check “Close ondisconnection”, because the anti-idle don’t allow the system cutthe session like I don’t wanna, so if the session disconnect, onlyone reason: I make, if the network is OK, so close that sessioninstead of my operation.
Inoption->sessionoptions->terminal->emulation, setTerminal as “Xterm” and check “ANSI Color” to make CRT can displaythe colorful character with different attributes.
Inoption->globaloptions->terminal->appearance->ANSIcolor, you can define the color which you like.
Inoption->sessionoptions->terminal->emulation, you canset the value of “scrollback” bigger, and then you needn’t beafraid you can find the much output in the screen.
@DefinitionShortcut 自定义快捷键
Inoption->sessionoptions->terminal->emulation->mappedkeys, you can define the shortcut what you like, I configure 3,they are Ctrl+E which is for print exit on the screen, and I justenter “ENTER”, quit quickly, but the pity is I didn’t found how topress “ENTER” to the terminator, so I have to press twice if Iwanna exit: Ctrl+E+ENTER, some friend told me you can close thesession directly using shortcut “Ctrl+F4”, but this exit operationwithout logout will make you process hang up in the system for awhile, is the abnormal quit, for the system maintenance aspect, itwas not suggested. And in my opinion it was should be forbiddenlike “kill -9”.
The second shortcut is“Ctrl+N” for open a session quickly. The last one is “Alt+V” forpasting quickly, the shortcut from “TTERMPRO” which was used by mefor a long time, so I define the familiar shortcut.
If you are familiar withthe windows shortcut (Ctrl+C/V), you can check it, but you shouldread the warning of CRT first, because Most UNIX system will beconflict with this function, better leave this option off like whatit prompt.
Inoption->sessionoptions->terminal->appearance, youcan define the font and color in here; normally I will set the fontbigger, perhaps for my thick glasses on my nose.
@Striking Title醒目的标题
Inoption->sessionoptions->terminal->appearance->window,it’s useful to define the unique and striking title for everyconnection, especially for ones who maintenance lots of system, youmust be aware of the priority and risk about every system, becausesome system is dangerous and more weaker, maybe you will lost yourjob after you press high risk command in some system without yourattentive mind.
@Log Record日志记录功能
There is the most usefulconf item in option -> session options-> terminal -> logfile, I set the logfile name as “%H_%S-%Y-%M-%D %h-%m-%s.log”, it’s unique, becausethe log file will generated and named with the accurate time tosecond, must be unique, although the %m and %s were not introducedin the below. And check “Start log upon connection”, it will saveall the operation when you are using CRT, as you know, sometimes,the history log will not let you regret to cry, and also check“Append to file”, but it’s useless for the unique file name.
Btw, no need care aboutthe size of log file too much, it wont cost too much in your hugedisk but useful.
@PrinterConfiguration 打印功能
option->sessionoptions->terminal->printing, thiscatalog is for your printer, if you have. Normally I needn’t printit, so I pass away.
option->sessionoptions->terminal->Xmodem/Zmodem,this catalog was ignored by me, I prefer using IP message totransfer files rather than CRT.
Above I introduce theconfiguration item in session options, but actually all of them youcan find in global session options and most of them should beconfigured in there, especially for shortcut/font display/log fileetc.
@copy on select& paste on right button 自动复制和右键粘贴
This is personal habitinherited from “TTERMPRO” the last tool I used: copy on select andpaste on right button.
@Show Tabs and VerticalScroll Bar
Check them can help youeasily manager convergent windows you opened. Because I checkautomatic toggle word wrap, so didn’t use horizontal scroll.
@Tabs Configuration标签卡选项
In here we can configuredifferent and striking color for each tabs, and give them theproper width. In the bottom, select Double-click Close Tab andCTRK+TAB to switch Tabs, like the habit of UE. Suggest check“Confirm when closing multiple”, it will prompt you if you wannaclose more than one session directly clicking X button onright-top.
View->FsullScreen can make the CRT bigger, both of enter and exit shortcut is“ALT+ENTER”.
InOptions->globaloptions->general->configurationfolder, you can configure the path to save your configuration file,maybe next time you or your friend will use it easily.