“use strict”:为多个变量赋值

时间:2022-11-28 15:12:31

Is there any other way in "use strict"; javascript to initialize a value to multiple variables? Because doing this:

“严格使用”还有其他办法吗? javascript将值初始化为多个变量?因为这样做:

var x = y = 14;

will cause error: Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined


Got my reference here:


Set multiple variables to the same value in Javascript


2 个解决方案


There are side affects to var x = y = 14; which is why it's not allowed in strict mode. Namely, y becomes a global variable.

对var x = y = 14有副作用;这就是严格模式下不允许的原因。即,y成为全局变量。

When you say


var x = y = 14;

It is equivalent to


var x;
y = 14;
x = y;

Where x is declared as a local variable and y is created as a global variable.


For more information on using var to declare variables see this question. Additionally, it may be worth noting that ES6 is introducing the keyword let that enables block level scoping in contrast to function level scoping that exists with var.


Finally, if you want to assign both variables a value, any of the following would do


var x, y;
x = y = 14;

var x = 14,
    y = x;

var x = 14,
    y = 14;

var x = 14;
var y = 14;


Yup - don't mix declarations and assignments.

是的 - 不要混合声明和作业。

var x, y;
x = y = 14;


There are side affects to var x = y = 14; which is why it's not allowed in strict mode. Namely, y becomes a global variable.

对var x = y = 14有副作用;这就是严格模式下不允许的原因。即,y成为全局变量。

When you say


var x = y = 14;

It is equivalent to


var x;
y = 14;
x = y;

Where x is declared as a local variable and y is created as a global variable.


For more information on using var to declare variables see this question. Additionally, it may be worth noting that ES6 is introducing the keyword let that enables block level scoping in contrast to function level scoping that exists with var.


Finally, if you want to assign both variables a value, any of the following would do


var x, y;
x = y = 14;

var x = 14,
    y = x;

var x = 14,
    y = 14;

var x = 14;
var y = 14;


Yup - don't mix declarations and assignments.

是的 - 不要混合声明和作业。

var x, y;
x = y = 14;