我在哪里可以找到Template Toolkit的“更高级的Web工具包”?

时间:2022-05-06 15:10:24

I really like Template Toolkit and like how it works with Catalyst, but I would like more 'web advanced' toolkit.

我真的很喜欢Template Toolkit,就像它如何与Catalyst一起工作,但我想要更多'web advanced'工具包。

It could be just a package of *.tt files for Web objects like these: Selector, Selector_DateTime, Menu, Data_Table...

对于像这样的Web对象,它可能只是一个* .tt文件包:Selector,Selector_DateTime,Menu,Data_Table ......

Is there something like that somewhere on the Web? If not, why not?


3 个解决方案


Are you looking to make your own templates, or use ones that were already developed by someone else? You can make your own components just fine with Template Toolkit, and you can easily insert other widgets you find into Template files.

您是要制作自己的模板,还是使用已经由其他人开发的模板?您可以使用Template Toolkit轻松制作自己的组件,并且可以轻松地将您找到的其他小部件插入到模板文件中。

I don't know of any ready-made packages that you can just download for common things that show up on web pages. It would be nice if someone spent the time to create some and make them available. I think people tend to make their own stuff that is exactly right for their problem, isn't necessarily refactored or well-architected, or a bit kludgey and embarrassing.


I have my own bits, such as templates for a country or state selection menu, but I also have to have some code to set the default. I don't particularly want to spend the time to make that useful to a general audience.


I understand what you want, agree with the value of it, and hope someone with the talent, time, and motivation runs with the idea. :)

我明白你想要什么,同意它的价值,并希望有才能,时间和动力的人都有这个想法。 :)


For form related stuff then have a look at HTML::FormHandler.

对于表单相关的东西,然后看看HTML :: FormHandler。

Its new but looks to be a promising module which integrates well with TT & DBIC.


For something far more encompassing then check out Reaction.


From its overview doc....


Reaction is a Catalyst extension providing you with:


  • Model mutations abstracted into Action objects.
  • 模型突变被抽象为Action对象。

  • Reflection to generate interface models using the Action objects from a DBIx::Class schema.
  • 使用来自DBIx :: Class模式的Action对象生成接口模型的思考。

  • An abstract UI expression system based on view, skin, rendering context, widget and layout set.
  • 基于视图,外观,渲染上下文,窗口小部件和布局集的抽象UI表达式系统。

  • Stylable via skins. Parts of the skins can be extended and flexibly from large down to very small parts.
  • 可通过皮肤设计。皮肤的一部分可以从大型零件延伸到非常小的部分。

  • Full separation of interface rendering structure and templating, making re-usable extensions even easier.
  • 完全分离界面渲染结构和模板,使重复使用的扩展更加容易。

Read the UI, Viewport & Widget docs and see if it tickles your fancy ;-)



Look at Template::Plugin:: modules and especially at Template::Plugin::CGI .

查看Template :: Plugin :: modules,特别是Template :: Plugin :: CGI。


Are you looking to make your own templates, or use ones that were already developed by someone else? You can make your own components just fine with Template Toolkit, and you can easily insert other widgets you find into Template files.

您是要制作自己的模板,还是使用已经由其他人开发的模板?您可以使用Template Toolkit轻松制作自己的组件,并且可以轻松地将您找到的其他小部件插入到模板文件中。

I don't know of any ready-made packages that you can just download for common things that show up on web pages. It would be nice if someone spent the time to create some and make them available. I think people tend to make their own stuff that is exactly right for their problem, isn't necessarily refactored or well-architected, or a bit kludgey and embarrassing.


I have my own bits, such as templates for a country or state selection menu, but I also have to have some code to set the default. I don't particularly want to spend the time to make that useful to a general audience.


I understand what you want, agree with the value of it, and hope someone with the talent, time, and motivation runs with the idea. :)

我明白你想要什么,同意它的价值,并希望有才能,时间和动力的人都有这个想法。 :)


For form related stuff then have a look at HTML::FormHandler.

对于表单相关的东西,然后看看HTML :: FormHandler。

Its new but looks to be a promising module which integrates well with TT & DBIC.


For something far more encompassing then check out Reaction.


From its overview doc....


Reaction is a Catalyst extension providing you with:


  • Model mutations abstracted into Action objects.
  • 模型突变被抽象为Action对象。

  • Reflection to generate interface models using the Action objects from a DBIx::Class schema.
  • 使用来自DBIx :: Class模式的Action对象生成接口模型的思考。

  • An abstract UI expression system based on view, skin, rendering context, widget and layout set.
  • 基于视图,外观,渲染上下文,窗口小部件和布局集的抽象UI表达式系统。

  • Stylable via skins. Parts of the skins can be extended and flexibly from large down to very small parts.
  • 可通过皮肤设计。皮肤的一部分可以从大型零件延伸到非常小的部分。

  • Full separation of interface rendering structure and templating, making re-usable extensions even easier.
  • 完全分离界面渲染结构和模板,使重复使用的扩展更加容易。

Read the UI, Viewport & Widget docs and see if it tickles your fancy ;-)



Look at Template::Plugin:: modules and especially at Template::Plugin::CGI .

查看Template :: Plugin :: modules,特别是Template :: Plugin :: CGI。