
时间:2022-05-06 15:10:54

I need the "Snooze" drawable as in the following image. Where can i get it?



4 个解决方案



It's not available in the framework(See @User117's answer), but it is available in the DeskClock app. To be precise it's available here.

它在框架中不可用(请参阅@ User117的答案),但它可以在DeskClock应用程序中找到。确切地说,它可以在这里找到。


(It's hard to see since it's very light)


If you want to clone the DeskClock app then you can run this:


git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/DeskClock



It is present in the Android Action Bar Design icon pack (ZIP direct download) pack under the name 10-device-access-alarms.

它出现在名为10-device-access-alarms的Android Action Bar Design图标包(ZIP直接下载)包中。



Have a look inside SDK directories, entire theme's drawables are downloaded when you install a platform on Android SDK.

看看SDK目录,在Android SDK上安装平台时会下载整个主题的drawables。

This one is present at <sdk_path>/platforms/android-<version>/data/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_audio_alarm.png right on your computer, where SDK is installed. Alternate resulotions are in their respective directories as well.

这个位于您安装SDK的计算机上的 / platforms / android- /data/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_audio_alarm.png。替代结果也在它们各自的目录中。

For the lazy: you may even try using android.R.drawable.ic_audio_alarm directly. If compiler says this resource isn't public, then you can just copy images from SDK directory to project's res directory.




It's available as a free download from the developer.android.com site. Go to this link, then download the Action Bar Icon Pack (or download it directly from here). The icon you seek is located at /All_Icons/holo_dark/xhdpi/10_device_access_alarms.png.




It's not available in the framework(See @User117's answer), but it is available in the DeskClock app. To be precise it's available here.

它在框架中不可用(请参阅@ User117的答案),但它可以在DeskClock应用程序中找到。确切地说,它可以在这里找到。


(It's hard to see since it's very light)


If you want to clone the DeskClock app then you can run this:


git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/DeskClock



It is present in the Android Action Bar Design icon pack (ZIP direct download) pack under the name 10-device-access-alarms.

它出现在名为10-device-access-alarms的Android Action Bar Design图标包(ZIP直接下载)包中。



Have a look inside SDK directories, entire theme's drawables are downloaded when you install a platform on Android SDK.

看看SDK目录,在Android SDK上安装平台时会下载整个主题的drawables。

This one is present at <sdk_path>/platforms/android-<version>/data/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_audio_alarm.png right on your computer, where SDK is installed. Alternate resulotions are in their respective directories as well.

这个位于您安装SDK的计算机上的 / platforms / android- /data/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_audio_alarm.png。替代结果也在它们各自的目录中。

For the lazy: you may even try using android.R.drawable.ic_audio_alarm directly. If compiler says this resource isn't public, then you can just copy images from SDK directory to project's res directory.




It's available as a free download from the developer.android.com site. Go to this link, then download the Action Bar Icon Pack (or download it directly from here). The icon you seek is located at /All_Icons/holo_dark/xhdpi/10_device_access_alarms.png.
