哪里可以为我的C ++项目找到一个好的Scope Guard实现?

时间:2022-02-25 15:09:14

I just recently learned about Scope Guard C++ idiom. Unfortunately I can't find any good implementation of it.

我刚刚了解了Scope Guard C ++习语。不幸的是我找不到任何好的实现。

Can anyone point me to some good and usable Scope Guard implementation in C++?

有人能指出我在C ++中使用一些好的和可用的Scope Guard实现吗?

Thanks, Boda Cydo.

谢谢,Boda Cydo。

6 个解决方案



ScopeGuard has been included in the Loki library (advertised in Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu, I'm sure you've heard of this great book), and is mature enough to be used in production code, imo.

ScopeGuard已经被包含在Loki库中(由Andrei Alexandrescu在Modern C ++ Design中做广告,我相信你已经听说过这本伟大的书),并且已经足够成熟,可以用于生产代码,imo。

Just to be clear: We're talking about writing exception safe code using RAII.


Additional reading (on *): Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code?




The original ScopeGuard class is included in this Dr. Dobb's article by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean. A slightly improved version, with some changes from Joshua Lehrer is available here. (Lehrer's version is the one that I'm using in my projects.) It's also included in the Loki library.

最初的ScopeGuard课程包含在Dr. Dobb的Andrei Alexandrescu和Petru Marginean的文章中。这里有一个稍微改进的版本,有一些Joshua Lehrer的变化。 (Lehrer的版本是我在我的项目中使用的版本。)它也包含在Loki库中。

Boost now has a ScopeExit library that's more powerful than ScopeGuard (since it can execute arbitrary code, whereas ScopeGuard can only call a single preexisting function).


Edit: With all of that said, a Scope Guard is really just a specific application of RAII, so you really ought to at least understand the concept of how to implement one.

编辑:尽管如此,Scope Guard实际上只是RAII的一个特定应用程序,所以你真的应该至少理解如何实现它的概念。



The Folly library (open-source from facebook) also provides an implementation (not surprising since A.A. is employed by them):



I think this and the MNMLSTC implementation mentioned here are both worth consideration.




A "Scope Guard" object is just one instance of the much broader RAII idiom.


And there is no single implementation of that. It is something a C++ programmer has to understand, not just copy/paste. Luckily, it is also pretty trivial to implement.

并没有单一的实施。这是C ++程序员必须理解的东西,而不仅仅是复制/粘贴。幸运的是,实施它也很简单。

You create a class which represents some kind of resource. When the class is instantiated (by one of its constructors), it should acquire the resource, and throw an exception if that fails. When the class is destroyed, it should dispose of the resource, performing all the necessary cleanup.


And... that's it. You also have to handle copy constructor and assignment operator (either by cloning the resource or by making these two functions private so they're never called).


You don't need to find "a good implementation", because you're going to write dozens and dozens of different implementations yourself. They're trivial to write, and they can't easily be reused because each one wraps a different type of resource.




There's a proposal to add scope_guard to the standard library. You can read the paper, which includes a sample implementation you can copy/paste, here. See section 9.1 for the implementation.




MNMLSTC core has a modern C++11 implementation of the scope guard idiom.

MNMLSTC核心具有现代C ++ 11实现的范围保护惯用语。



ScopeGuard has been included in the Loki library (advertised in Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu, I'm sure you've heard of this great book), and is mature enough to be used in production code, imo.

ScopeGuard已经被包含在Loki库中(由Andrei Alexandrescu在Modern C ++ Design中做广告,我相信你已经听说过这本伟大的书),并且已经足够成熟,可以用于生产代码,imo。

Just to be clear: We're talking about writing exception safe code using RAII.


Additional reading (on *): Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code?




The original ScopeGuard class is included in this Dr. Dobb's article by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean. A slightly improved version, with some changes from Joshua Lehrer is available here. (Lehrer's version is the one that I'm using in my projects.) It's also included in the Loki library.

最初的ScopeGuard课程包含在Dr. Dobb的Andrei Alexandrescu和Petru Marginean的文章中。这里有一个稍微改进的版本,有一些Joshua Lehrer的变化。 (Lehrer的版本是我在我的项目中使用的版本。)它也包含在Loki库中。

Boost now has a ScopeExit library that's more powerful than ScopeGuard (since it can execute arbitrary code, whereas ScopeGuard can only call a single preexisting function).


Edit: With all of that said, a Scope Guard is really just a specific application of RAII, so you really ought to at least understand the concept of how to implement one.

编辑:尽管如此,Scope Guard实际上只是RAII的一个特定应用程序,所以你真的应该至少理解如何实现它的概念。



The Folly library (open-source from facebook) also provides an implementation (not surprising since A.A. is employed by them):



I think this and the MNMLSTC implementation mentioned here are both worth consideration.




A "Scope Guard" object is just one instance of the much broader RAII idiom.


And there is no single implementation of that. It is something a C++ programmer has to understand, not just copy/paste. Luckily, it is also pretty trivial to implement.

并没有单一的实施。这是C ++程序员必须理解的东西,而不仅仅是复制/粘贴。幸运的是,实施它也很简单。

You create a class which represents some kind of resource. When the class is instantiated (by one of its constructors), it should acquire the resource, and throw an exception if that fails. When the class is destroyed, it should dispose of the resource, performing all the necessary cleanup.


And... that's it. You also have to handle copy constructor and assignment operator (either by cloning the resource or by making these two functions private so they're never called).


You don't need to find "a good implementation", because you're going to write dozens and dozens of different implementations yourself. They're trivial to write, and they can't easily be reused because each one wraps a different type of resource.




There's a proposal to add scope_guard to the standard library. You can read the paper, which includes a sample implementation you can copy/paste, here. See section 9.1 for the implementation.




MNMLSTC core has a modern C++11 implementation of the scope guard idiom.

MNMLSTC核心具有现代C ++ 11实现的范围保护惯用语。