
时间:2021-08-27 15:09:36

I've been looking to improve my programming habits and I heard that OO is the way to go. Also I'd much prefer online tutorials over books.


8 个解决方案


Here are a few good tutorials from the PHP guys themselves.



Learning how to use classes, methods, and attributes is not sufficient for making you a good object oriented programmer. The other (and usually much more difficult) part is understanding how to solve problems in an object-oriented way.


It's a bit like chess: Even if you have memorized the rules perfectly, it does not mean you automatically are a good chess player. You still need to learn a about strategy and gather a lot of experience.


I haven't found a good web tutorial on how to become a good object-oriented programmer. The topic is too large to be covered within just a few web pages. You are probably better off reading a book on the subject. It doesn't even have to be specific to php, most OO pricinples can be applied to many different OO languages.

我还没有找到关于如何成为一名优秀的面向对象程序员的好的网络教程。该主题太大,无法在几个网页中涵盖。你可能最好读一本关于这个主题的书。它甚至不必特定于PHP,大多数OO pricinples可以应用于许多不同的OO语言。

Once you have learned the basics of OO programming, I'd also recommend reading a book on design patterns such as the classic Design Patterns by Gamma et al. or the more casual Head-First Design patterns.

一旦你学会了OO编程的基础知识,我还建议你阅读一本关于设计模式的书,比如Gamma等人的经典设计模式。或者更随意的Head-First Design模式。


OO is not a language-depended concept.



Неге is nice book which shows OOP in practice. You can download the sources from website and look what the book is about.




A great place to start is the PHP Classes and Objects manual page.

一个很好的起点是PHP Classes and Objects手册页。


Although the jury is out on certification, you could do far worse than attend a Zend course.



Not to be mean to Php, because it's quite good to get stuff done and fast, but Object Oriented Php is a non feature in my book, it's more productive to use Php as a procedural language, after all that's what it was made for, OOP is quite poor compared to other languages, same way I'd not use OOP with Perl either, if you want to learn OOP, which I totally recommend you use Ruby or Objective-C.


Anyways can't link but try googling for OMG (Object Management Group), they have tutorials and info about OOP on their site



Some recommend "PHP in action" by Manning.

一些人推荐Manning的“PHP in action”。


Here are a few good tutorials from the PHP guys themselves.



Learning how to use classes, methods, and attributes is not sufficient for making you a good object oriented programmer. The other (and usually much more difficult) part is understanding how to solve problems in an object-oriented way.


It's a bit like chess: Even if you have memorized the rules perfectly, it does not mean you automatically are a good chess player. You still need to learn a about strategy and gather a lot of experience.


I haven't found a good web tutorial on how to become a good object-oriented programmer. The topic is too large to be covered within just a few web pages. You are probably better off reading a book on the subject. It doesn't even have to be specific to php, most OO pricinples can be applied to many different OO languages.

我还没有找到关于如何成为一名优秀的面向对象程序员的好的网络教程。该主题太大,无法在几个网页中涵盖。你可能最好读一本关于这个主题的书。它甚至不必特定于PHP,大多数OO pricinples可以应用于许多不同的OO语言。

Once you have learned the basics of OO programming, I'd also recommend reading a book on design patterns such as the classic Design Patterns by Gamma et al. or the more casual Head-First Design patterns.

一旦你学会了OO编程的基础知识,我还建议你阅读一本关于设计模式的书,比如Gamma等人的经典设计模式。或者更随意的Head-First Design模式。


OO is not a language-depended concept.



Неге is nice book which shows OOP in practice. You can download the sources from website and look what the book is about.




A great place to start is the PHP Classes and Objects manual page.

一个很好的起点是PHP Classes and Objects手册页。


Although the jury is out on certification, you could do far worse than attend a Zend course.



Not to be mean to Php, because it's quite good to get stuff done and fast, but Object Oriented Php is a non feature in my book, it's more productive to use Php as a procedural language, after all that's what it was made for, OOP is quite poor compared to other languages, same way I'd not use OOP with Perl either, if you want to learn OOP, which I totally recommend you use Ruby or Objective-C.


Anyways can't link but try googling for OMG (Object Management Group), they have tutorials and info about OOP on their site



Some recommend "PHP in action" by Manning.

一些人推荐Manning的“PHP in action”。