有没有办法构建C ++自定义限定符?

时间:2022-07-28 15:07:01

Is there any way to implement a custom type qualifier (similar to const)? I would like to only allow function calls to functions that are of the right qualification, within functions with the same qualification.


Let's say I would have:


void allowedFunction();
void disallowedFunction();

//Only allowed to call allowed functions.
void foo()
    disallowedFunction(); //Cause compile time error

//Is allowed to call any function it wants.
void bar()
    disallowedFunction(); //No error

The reason I would like to do this is because I want to make sure that functions called on a specific thread only call realtime-safe functions. Since many applications require hard realtime-safe threads, having some way to detect locks at compile-time would guarantee us that many hard to detect runtime errors cannot happen.


1 个解决方案



Perhaps you can put the functions in a class and make the allowed ones friends of the class like so:


#include <iostream>

class X
    static void f(){}
    friend void foo(); // f() is only allowed for foo

void foo() // allowed

void bar() // disallowed
    //X::f();  // compile-time error

int main()


You can probably write some crazy macro that does this transparently for every function you'd like to allow/disallow.




Perhaps you can put the functions in a class and make the allowed ones friends of the class like so:


#include <iostream>

class X
    static void f(){}
    friend void foo(); // f() is only allowed for foo

void foo() // allowed

void bar() // disallowed
    //X::f();  // compile-time error

int main()


You can probably write some crazy macro that does this transparently for every function you'd like to allow/disallow.
