
时间:2021-01-13 15:08:26

I have this variable, a vector of double pointers like:


vector<double*> myIntersections;

which contains a vector whose elements are all a two dimensional vector of doubles. I want to create a XML file (called for example myfile.axl - with this specific extension) in which each row of the file is given by each element of the vector (so on each row one would have to elements at least vector[i][0], vector[i][1]) and the tags of the XML file are .., etc (so user defined). The file will XML should be something like:

它包含一个向量,它的元素都是双键的二维向量。我想要创建一个XML文件(例如myfile)。axl——有了这个特定的扩展名),文件的每一行都由向量的每个元素给出(因此在每一行中,至少有一个元素是向量[i][0],向量[i][1]), XML文件的标签是。等(用户定义)。XML文件应该是这样的:

<point name="intersectPoints" size="4" color="rgb">
  -2.68 1.82 0.0 255 0 0
  -2.63 1.03 0.0 255 0 0

where vector[0][0]=-2.68, vector[0][1]=1.82 and so on (0.0 255 0 0 being always the same) I know how to write file in C++ (I was thinking about using the fstream library), but I do not know how to create the XML tags (other than with strings in this way they will be though strings) so I am a little bit lost.

在向量[0][0]= -2.68,向量[0][1]= 1.82等等(0.0 255 0 0都一样)我知道如何编写文件在c++中(我在想使用fstream库),但我不知道如何创建XML标记(除了与字符串以这种方式他们将虽然字符串)所以我有点迷路了。

any suggestions is more than welcomed. thank you for your time, madalina


9 个解决方案



Please. Please don't create XML on your own.


Use libraries which will generate valid and correct XML file.
Same things is related to reading XML. You aren't going to read XML with ifstream, are you? So if you have XML library to read XML files I am pretty sure that this library allows XML creation.


Here is sample code with tinyxml


int main()
    VertexList vl;

    vl.push_back( Vertex( Point3d( -2.68, 1.82, 0.0 ), RGB( 255, 0, 0 )));
    vl.push_back( Vertex( Point3d( -2.63, 1.03, 0.0 ), RGB( 255, 0, 0 )));

    std::ostringstream ss;
    std::for_each( vl.begin(), vl.end(), VertexPrint( ss ) );

    // write xml
    TiXmlDocument doc;
    TiXmlDeclaration decl( "1.0", "", "" );  
    doc.InsertEndChild( decl );  

    TiXmlElement point( "point" );  

    TiXmlComment comment( "My Points" );
    point.InsertEndChild( comment );  

    point.SetAttribute("name", "intersectPoints");
    point.SetAttribute("size", vl.size());
    point.SetAttribute("color", "rgb");

    TiXmlText values( ss.str() );
    point.InsertEndChild( values );  

    doc.InsertEndChild( point );  
    doc.SaveFile( "out.xml" );  

Where Vertex


struct Point3d
    Point3d( double x, double y, double z ):
        x_(x), y_(y), z_(z)
    double x_;
    double y_;
    double z_;
struct RGB
    RGB( int r, int g, int b ):
        r_(r), g_(g), b_(b)
    int r_;
    int g_;
    int b_;
struct Vertex
    Vertex( const Point3d& coord, const RGB& color ):
        coord_( coord ), color_( color )
    Point3d coord_;
    RGB color_;
typedef std::vector< Vertex > VertexList;

and VertexPrint is


struct VertexPrint
    VertexPrint( std::ostringstream& result ):
        result_( result )
    void operator() ( const Vertex& v )
        result_ << v.coord_.x_ <<" "<< v.coord_.y_ <<" "<< v.coord_.z_ <<" "
                << v.color_.r_ <<" "<< v.color_.b_ <<" "<< v.color_.b_ <<";";
    std::ostringstream& result_;

You can also consider boost XML serialization

您还可以考虑boost XML序列化



Check out TinyXml. It's extremely lightweight. From the documentation:


TinyXML uses a Document Object Model (DOM), meaning the XML data is parsed into a C++ objects that can be browsed and manipulated, and then written to disk or another output stream. You can also construct an XML document from scratch with C++ objects and write this to disk or another output stream.

TinyXML使用文档对象模型(Document Object Model, DOM),这意味着XML数据被解析为c++对象,可以对其进行浏览和操作,然后写入磁盘或其他输出流。您还可以使用c++对象从头构建XML文档,并将其写入磁盘或其他输出流。

I've used TinyXml in my own projects and it is a joy to use.


Edit: In addition to TinyXML, I also use ticpp (TinyXml++) which introduces more features of C++ (exceptions, templates, iterators, etc) on top of the library.

编辑:除了TinyXML之外,我还使用了ticpp (TinyXML ++),它在库的顶部引入了c++的更多特性(异常、模板、迭代器等)。



If you are just writing XML, a full blown parser is an overkill. Better take a look at something like Genx




I have used xerces to generate XML files, and it very expensive in terms of memory and CPU usage. I eventually got "out of memory" exceptions trying to generate files with only a few hundreds of thousands of lines of XML. If you can get away with generating it directly as some other answers have suggested, and as your question implies should be possible, I would go that route. Reading and parsing is a different story, but using xerces to generate XML is overkill.




Assuming you are on Windows and using Visual Studio, you could use MSXML or other 3rd party libraries.

假设您在Windows上并使用Visual Studio,您可以使用MSXML或其他第三方库。



behold a hack...


cout << "<point name=\"intersectPoints\" size=\"4\" color=\"rgb\">"<<endl;
cout << "  "<<-2.68<<" "<<1.82<<" "<<0.0<<" "<<255<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<"";

that's how i write xml files with little overhead just save to the file the raw xml.




To read and write xml files you would usually use an xml parser (sax or dom based)


One I have used is a sax parser called xerces




I am looking at TinyXml now. I have downloaded it I hope I can install it. I use MacOSX, I can see the Makefile for Linux was also successfully tested for MacOSX so I will try to install it and if successfully installed worked with it.




For something simple like this, writing the tags directly would not be very complicated:


void WriteToFile(fstream& file, vector<double *> intersections)
    file << "<point";
    file << " name=\"intersectPoints\"";
    file << " size=\"" << intersections.size() "\"";
    file << " color=\"rgb\""
    file << ">\n"

    vector<double *>::iterator it;
    for (it=intersections.begin(); it != intersections.end(); it++)
        file << (*it)[0] << " " << (*it)[1] << " " << (*it)[2] << " ";
        file << "255 0 0\n";

    file << "</point>" << endl;



Please. Please don't create XML on your own.


Use libraries which will generate valid and correct XML file.
Same things is related to reading XML. You aren't going to read XML with ifstream, are you? So if you have XML library to read XML files I am pretty sure that this library allows XML creation.


Here is sample code with tinyxml


int main()
    VertexList vl;

    vl.push_back( Vertex( Point3d( -2.68, 1.82, 0.0 ), RGB( 255, 0, 0 )));
    vl.push_back( Vertex( Point3d( -2.63, 1.03, 0.0 ), RGB( 255, 0, 0 )));

    std::ostringstream ss;
    std::for_each( vl.begin(), vl.end(), VertexPrint( ss ) );

    // write xml
    TiXmlDocument doc;
    TiXmlDeclaration decl( "1.0", "", "" );  
    doc.InsertEndChild( decl );  

    TiXmlElement point( "point" );  

    TiXmlComment comment( "My Points" );
    point.InsertEndChild( comment );  

    point.SetAttribute("name", "intersectPoints");
    point.SetAttribute("size", vl.size());
    point.SetAttribute("color", "rgb");

    TiXmlText values( ss.str() );
    point.InsertEndChild( values );  

    doc.InsertEndChild( point );  
    doc.SaveFile( "out.xml" );  

Where Vertex


struct Point3d
    Point3d( double x, double y, double z ):
        x_(x), y_(y), z_(z)
    double x_;
    double y_;
    double z_;
struct RGB
    RGB( int r, int g, int b ):
        r_(r), g_(g), b_(b)
    int r_;
    int g_;
    int b_;
struct Vertex
    Vertex( const Point3d& coord, const RGB& color ):
        coord_( coord ), color_( color )
    Point3d coord_;
    RGB color_;
typedef std::vector< Vertex > VertexList;

and VertexPrint is


struct VertexPrint
    VertexPrint( std::ostringstream& result ):
        result_( result )
    void operator() ( const Vertex& v )
        result_ << v.coord_.x_ <<" "<< v.coord_.y_ <<" "<< v.coord_.z_ <<" "
                << v.color_.r_ <<" "<< v.color_.b_ <<" "<< v.color_.b_ <<";";
    std::ostringstream& result_;

You can also consider boost XML serialization

您还可以考虑boost XML序列化



Check out TinyXml. It's extremely lightweight. From the documentation:


TinyXML uses a Document Object Model (DOM), meaning the XML data is parsed into a C++ objects that can be browsed and manipulated, and then written to disk or another output stream. You can also construct an XML document from scratch with C++ objects and write this to disk or another output stream.

TinyXML使用文档对象模型(Document Object Model, DOM),这意味着XML数据被解析为c++对象,可以对其进行浏览和操作,然后写入磁盘或其他输出流。您还可以使用c++对象从头构建XML文档,并将其写入磁盘或其他输出流。

I've used TinyXml in my own projects and it is a joy to use.


Edit: In addition to TinyXML, I also use ticpp (TinyXml++) which introduces more features of C++ (exceptions, templates, iterators, etc) on top of the library.

编辑:除了TinyXML之外,我还使用了ticpp (TinyXML ++),它在库的顶部引入了c++的更多特性(异常、模板、迭代器等)。



If you are just writing XML, a full blown parser is an overkill. Better take a look at something like Genx




I have used xerces to generate XML files, and it very expensive in terms of memory and CPU usage. I eventually got "out of memory" exceptions trying to generate files with only a few hundreds of thousands of lines of XML. If you can get away with generating it directly as some other answers have suggested, and as your question implies should be possible, I would go that route. Reading and parsing is a different story, but using xerces to generate XML is overkill.




Assuming you are on Windows and using Visual Studio, you could use MSXML or other 3rd party libraries.

假设您在Windows上并使用Visual Studio,您可以使用MSXML或其他第三方库。



behold a hack...


cout << "<point name=\"intersectPoints\" size=\"4\" color=\"rgb\">"<<endl;
cout << "  "<<-2.68<<" "<<1.82<<" "<<0.0<<" "<<255<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<"";

that's how i write xml files with little overhead just save to the file the raw xml.




To read and write xml files you would usually use an xml parser (sax or dom based)


One I have used is a sax parser called xerces




I am looking at TinyXml now. I have downloaded it I hope I can install it. I use MacOSX, I can see the Makefile for Linux was also successfully tested for MacOSX so I will try to install it and if successfully installed worked with it.




For something simple like this, writing the tags directly would not be very complicated:


void WriteToFile(fstream& file, vector<double *> intersections)
    file << "<point";
    file << " name=\"intersectPoints\"";
    file << " size=\"" << intersections.size() "\"";
    file << " color=\"rgb\""
    file << ">\n"

    vector<double *>::iterator it;
    for (it=intersections.begin(); it != intersections.end(); it++)
        file << (*it)[0] << " " << (*it)[1] << " " << (*it)[2] << " ";
        file << "255 0 0\n";

    file << "</point>" << endl;