When using Objective-C and importing headers, it made sense to me what was getting imported. For example, I only have to import UIKit but I can use CoreGraphics, for example. How can I tell what other frameworks each framework is importing with Swift? All I'm doing is importing UIKit, but I can still use Core Graphics. I've searched the documentation, but the framework reference doesn't mention it.
使用Objective-C并导入标题时,对我来说导入的内容是有意义的。例如,我只需要导入UIKit,但我可以使用CoreGraphics。如何判断每个框架使用Swift导入的其他框架?我正在做的就是导入UIKit,但我仍然可以使用Core Graphics。我搜索了文档,但框架参考没有提到它。
2 个解决方案
Open your Swift source file. Find the import UIKit
line. Command-click on the word UIKit
. You'll see what UIKit
import Foundation
import UIKit.NSAttributedString
import UIKit.NSFileProviderExtension
import UIKit.NSLayoutConstraint
import UIKit.NSLayoutManager
import UIKit.NSParagraphStyle
import UIKit.NSShadow
import UIKit.NSStringDrawing
import UIKit.NSText
import UIKit.NSTextAttachment
import UIKit.NSTextContainer
... many more
Command-click on the word Foundation
on the first line to see what it imports:
import CoreFoundation
import CoreGraphics
import Foundation.FoundationErrors
import Foundation.NSArray
import Foundation.NSAttributedString
import Foundation.NSAutoreleasePool
import Foundation.NSBundle
import Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter
import Foundation.NSByteOrder
... many more
Repeat until bored or satisfied.
Open your Swift source file. Find the import UIKit
line. Command-click on the word UIKit
. You'll see what UIKit
import Foundation
import UIKit.NSAttributedString
import UIKit.NSFileProviderExtension
import UIKit.NSLayoutConstraint
import UIKit.NSLayoutManager
import UIKit.NSParagraphStyle
import UIKit.NSShadow
import UIKit.NSStringDrawing
import UIKit.NSText
import UIKit.NSTextAttachment
import UIKit.NSTextContainer
... many more
Command-click on the word Foundation
on the first line to see what it imports:
import CoreFoundation
import CoreGraphics
import Foundation.FoundationErrors
import Foundation.NSArray
import Foundation.NSAttributedString
import Foundation.NSAutoreleasePool
import Foundation.NSBundle
import Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter
import Foundation.NSByteOrder
... many more
Repeat until bored or satisfied.