
时间:2023-02-13 15:06:01

I have a python script that downloads a file over FTP using ftplib.


My current download code looks just like the example in the ftp lib docs:

我当前的下载代码看起来就像ftp lib docs中的示例:

ftp.retrbinary('RETR README', open('README', 'wb').write)

Now I have a requirement that the file downloaded over FTP needs to have the same last modified time as the file on the FTP server itself. Assuming I could parse out the time from ftp.retrlines('list'), how can I set the modified time on the downloaded file?


I'm on a unix based OS if that matters.


3 个解决方案



If you want to do this directly from python, you're looking for os.utime. The docs can give you more info.




Use os.utime:


import os

os.utime(path_to_file, (access_time, modification_time))



There are 2 ways to do this. One is the os.utime example above which is required if you are setting the timestamp on a file that has no reference stats. However, if you are copying the files with "shutil.copy()" you have a reference file. Then if you want the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags also copied, you can use "shutil.copystat()" immediately after the "shutil.copy()".


I have no idea why they don't add flags to "shutil.copy()" that does this in one single command. Seems like it was implemented by different authors. One implemented the copy and one implemented the copystat to fill in the missing feature in the former.


And then there is "shutil.copy2" which is intended to do both at once...




If you want to do this directly from python, you're looking for os.utime. The docs can give you more info.




Use os.utime:


import os

os.utime(path_to_file, (access_time, modification_time))



There are 2 ways to do this. One is the os.utime example above which is required if you are setting the timestamp on a file that has no reference stats. However, if you are copying the files with "shutil.copy()" you have a reference file. Then if you want the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags also copied, you can use "shutil.copystat()" immediately after the "shutil.copy()".


I have no idea why they don't add flags to "shutil.copy()" that does this in one single command. Seems like it was implemented by different authors. One implemented the copy and one implemented the copystat to fill in the missing feature in the former.


And then there is "shutil.copy2" which is intended to do both at once...
