
时间:2021-12-31 15:09:30

I am currently working in J2ME. I would like to link the source code of J2ME with my Eclipse installation so that I can go through the contents of it and also it will help me in debugging.


I am quite used to this when the source code of J2SE was (is) available in jar format and you just need to link it to Eclipse.


Could you please provide me the link to the download of the jar. Is it free?


3 个解决方案


I think the core issue is that Java SE and the JDK is now open source, where J2ME is not. So, even getting Sun's implementations of J2ME might be a bit tough at this time.

我认为核心问题是Java SE和JDK现在是开源的,而J2ME则不是。因此,即使获得Sun的J2ME实现,目前也可能有点困难。

There must be a reason, but not sure why they wouldn't open source the J2ME implementation as well.



There are multiple implementations of the CLDC VM. So you might have a hard time finding the sources. Also most of the VM do not support debugging the system classes. If you want to see the CLDC sources, SUNs implementation is open-sourced on dev.java.net PhoneME Project.

CLDC VM有多种实现方式。所以你可能很难找到消息来源。此外,大多数VM不支持调试系统类。如果您想查看CLDC源,SUNs实现是在dev.java.net PhoneME Project上开源的。


Have you considered using a decompiler like JADclipse instead?



I think the core issue is that Java SE and the JDK is now open source, where J2ME is not. So, even getting Sun's implementations of J2ME might be a bit tough at this time.

我认为核心问题是Java SE和JDK现在是开源的,而J2ME则不是。因此,即使获得Sun的J2ME实现,目前也可能有点困难。

There must be a reason, but not sure why they wouldn't open source the J2ME implementation as well.



There are multiple implementations of the CLDC VM. So you might have a hard time finding the sources. Also most of the VM do not support debugging the system classes. If you want to see the CLDC sources, SUNs implementation is open-sourced on dev.java.net PhoneME Project.

CLDC VM有多种实现方式。所以你可能很难找到消息来源。此外,大多数VM不支持调试系统类。如果您想查看CLDC源,SUNs实现是在dev.java.net PhoneME Project上开源的。


Have you considered using a decompiler like JADclipse instead?
