
时间:2022-04-11 15:04:07

Suppose I write a program using immutable data structures in Java. Even though it is not a functional language, it should be able to execute parallely. How do I ensure that my program is being executed using all the cores of my processer? How does the computer decide which code can be run parallely?


P.S. My intent in asking this question was not to find out how to parrallelize java programs. But to know - how does the computer parallelize code. Can it do it in a functional program written in a non functional language?

附:我提出这个问题的意图不是要找出如何并行化java程序。但要知道 - 计算机如何并行化代码。它可以在用非功能语言编写的功能程序中完成吗?

5 个解决方案


i dont think you can "force" the JVM to parallelize your program, but having a separate thread executing each "task", if you can break down your program that way, would probably do the trick in most cases? parallelism is still not guaranteed however.



Java programs are parallelized through threads. The computer can't magically figure out how to distribute the pieces of your application across all the cores in an imperative language like Java. Only a functional language like Erlang or Haskell could do that. Read up on Java threads.



I am not aware of automatic parallelization JVMs. They do exist for other languages such as FORTRAN.


You might find the JSR166y fork-join framework scheduled for JDK7 interesting.

您可能会发现为JDK7安排的JSR166y fork-join框架很有趣。


You can write functions with automatically parallelise tasks, it is fairly easy to do for specific cases, however I am not aware of any built-in Java API which does this. (Except perhaps the Executor/ExecutorService)

您可以编写具有自动并行任务的函数,对于特定情况可以很容易地执行,但是我不知道有任何内置的Java API可以执行此操作。 (可能是Executor / ExecutorService除外)


Something that I used in school that did alot of the work for you.



It has the capability to do SMP or message based parallelism.


Whether or not it is useful to you is a different question :-)



i dont think you can "force" the JVM to parallelize your program, but having a separate thread executing each "task", if you can break down your program that way, would probably do the trick in most cases? parallelism is still not guaranteed however.



Java programs are parallelized through threads. The computer can't magically figure out how to distribute the pieces of your application across all the cores in an imperative language like Java. Only a functional language like Erlang or Haskell could do that. Read up on Java threads.



I am not aware of automatic parallelization JVMs. They do exist for other languages such as FORTRAN.


You might find the JSR166y fork-join framework scheduled for JDK7 interesting.

您可能会发现为JDK7安排的JSR166y fork-join框架很有趣。


You can write functions with automatically parallelise tasks, it is fairly easy to do for specific cases, however I am not aware of any built-in Java API which does this. (Except perhaps the Executor/ExecutorService)

您可以编写具有自动并行任务的函数,对于特定情况可以很容易地执行,但是我不知道有任何内置的Java API可以执行此操作。 (可能是Executor / ExecutorService除外)


Something that I used in school that did alot of the work for you.



It has the capability to do SMP or message based parallelism.


Whether or not it is useful to you is a different question :-)
